The City encourages parking lots for different land uses, or for mixed land uses, to be shared in any zoning district. At the applicant's request, shared parking may be provided, subject to the following provisions:
(a) An easement executed by all of the owners concerned shall be filed of record with Lake County that provides for the perpetual joint use of such common parking. Advance review and approval of the easement by the City as to form is required prior to recordation.
(b) The City may require the applicant to provide a parking study with information deemed necessary to its review of a shared parking arrangement. This information shall include but is not limited to:
(1) The type and hours of operation and parking demand for each land use;
(2) A site plan displaying shared use spaces in the lot and walking distance to the uses sharing the lot;
(3) A description of the character of land use and parking patterns of adjacent land uses; and
(4) An estimate of anticipated turnover in parking space use over the course of twelve (12) to twenty-four (24) hours at the site.
(c) Parking spaces to be shared must not be reserved for individuals or groups on a twenty-four (24) hour basis.
(d) Users sharing a parking facility do not need to be sited on the same parcel provided that each user shall be a maximum of 500 feet from the closest parking space in the lot providing the shared parking spaces. A waiver of the maximum allowable distance between the user and associated shared parking may be approved by the City with written justification and supporting information provided by the applicant.
(e) Users sharing a parking facility shall provide for safe, convenient walking between land uses and parking, including safe, well-marked pedestrian crossings, signage, and adequate lighting.
(f) If the conditions for shared parking become null and void and the shared parking arrangement is discontinued, this will constitute a violation of zoning regulations for any use approved expressly with shared parking. The applicant must then provide written notification of the change to the City within sixty (60) days of the change and provide a remedy satisfactory to the City to ensure adequate parking.
(g) Reduction in parking space requirements for shared parking: Where shared parking is provided among mixed land uses, the City may allow the following reductions in parking space requirements at the applicant's request:
(1) Up to thirty percent (30%) of the parking spaces required for the predominant use on a site may be shared with other land uses operating during the same time of day and days of the week. The predominant land use is considered to be that which requires the most parking of those sharing the parking facilities.
(2) Up to seventy-five percent (75%) of the parking spaces required for uses such as theaters, public auditoriums, bowling alleys, taverns, movie theaters, and similar predominantly evening uses may be shared with uses such as banks, offices, and similar predominantly daytime uses.
(3) Up to seventy-five percent (75%) of the parking spaces required for land uses such as houses of worship and other land uses predominantly operating during the weekend may be shared with uses such as medical offices, banks, and other similar uses predominantly operating on weekdays.
(Ord. 13-O-57. Passed 9-3-13.)