(a)    All landscaping shall be maintained in a weed free condition and clear of under growth. The owner of the property shall be responsible for the continued proper maintenance of all landscaping, and shall keep it in a proper, neat and orderly appearance, free from refuse, deterioration, and debris at all times.
   (b)    All trees, shrubs, ground cover, and other plant material must be replaced within thirty (30) days or by the next planting season, if applicable, if they die or become unhealthy because of accidents, drainage problems, disease, or other causes.
   (c)    All plants shall be controlled by pruning, trimming, or other suitable methods so that they do not interfere with public utilities, restrict pedestrian, bicycle or vehicular access, or otherwise constitute a hazard.
   (d)    Irrigation systems with sprinkler heads shall be installed and used for all landscaped areas in new commercial and industrial construction.
   (e)    Fences, screening and walls shall be maintained in good repair.
   (f)    Sight triangles shall be maintained such that:
      (1)   For trees, except during early growth stages, only the trunk is visible a distance of six (6) feet above finished grade, and
      (2)   For shrubbery or other low growing plants, the maximum height does not exceed three (3) feet above finished grade.
         (Ord. 09-0-24. Passed 5-19-09.)