(a)    A landscape plan prepared by a landscape architect, or prepared by a person as otherwise permitted by §4703.32 of the Ohio Revised Code, shall be submitted as part of the site development plan review process set forth in Chapter 1133. The landscape plan shall be prepared in compliance with all requirements of this Code. The Administration may reject for filing any non-conforming plan or plan which is otherwise deficient in content or form.
   (b)    The landscape plan shall be drawn to scale, including dimensions and distances and clearly delineate all existing and proposed buildings and other structures, parking spaces or other vehicle areas, parking lot landscape islands, access aisles and driveways. Contour lines and basin grades should be shown along with any utilities and utility easements.
   (c)    The landscape material shall be clearly labeled and include a plant material list, showing common and scientific names of plants to be used, installed plant size, root type and spacing of plant materials.
   (d)    Any plant installation details, fencing location and details, and any related notes shall be included with the submission.
   (e)    Existing and final tree line locations shall be shown on the plan.
   (f)    Approved landscape plans shall be subject to the same terms of expiration and extension as found in Section 1133.04(e) of this Code.
   (g)    The owner shall maintain the property in accord with the approved landscape plan until such time as it may be duly amended or superseded.
(Ord. 09-0-24. Passed 5-19-09.)