Traditional retail may be permitted in the industrial zones, with the approval of the Planning Commission via the issuance of a conditional use permit and provided further that such use is an integral part of and accessory to the main use.
   Prior to the approval of any such use by the Planning Commission, it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to establish by clear and convincing evidence that the proposed traditional retail use meets the requirements of this section.
   Under no circumstances shall the gross receipts generated by said traditional retail exceed 15% of the gross receipts generated by the facility in question nor shall the floor area attributable to said traditional retail exceed 25% of the total floor area of the facility.
   In approving traditional retail which it finds to be an integral part of and accessory to a main use, the Commission may attach such conditions as it may deem reasonable and necessary to carry out the intent of this section and to preserve the purpose of this chapter.
(Ord. 14-O-97. Passed 10-21-14.)