(a)    Within R-10 projects there shall be provided recreation or park areas equal to not less than five percent (5%) of the total development acreage. The recreation or park area may include common open space. Where possible, the recreation or park area shall be located centrally for accessibility to all residents of the development. Park equipment shall be provided in types which include activities for all age groups of residents in the development. The developer shall consult with the Administrator in formulating the recreation or park development plan.
   (b)    One parking space shall be provided for each ten (10) dwelling units, for the expressed use of parking recreational vehicles unless deed restrictions and covenants prohibit the parking of such vehicles or equipment within the development.
   (c)    For all R-10 projects there shall be filed with the Administrator a perpetual maintenance plan for the privately owned recreation, park, open space, parking, and street areas. Such plan shall set forth the maintenance responsibility and, if such responsibility is in the form of common ownership or a property owner association, shall set forth the method of financing the maintenance program. Such perpetual maintenance plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Law Director and the Administrator prior to approval of final site plans.
(1969 Code 150.206)