At any time after the approval of a rezoning, the owner may request a change in the development plan. Such request shall be filed with the Administrator who shall schedule it for review by the Commission. If the Commission finds the proposed change to be in substantial agreement with the purposes and intent of the previously approved rezoning and development plan it may recommend to Council that the proposed amendment be adopted. If the Commission finds the change to represent a substantial departure from the purposes and intent of the previously approved rezoning and plan, it shall recommend to Council that the proposed amendment not be adopted.
   Council shall review the proposed amendment within a reasonable period of time after its receipt of the recommendation of the Commission. The Council shall review the proposed change to the approved development plan as an amendment to the ordinance pursuant to which the rezoning was first adopted and, in doing so, shall be guided by all pertinent policy, legal and factual considerations which in its discretion may warrant adoption or rejection of the proposed amendment. (Ord. 20-O-027. Passed 4-7-20.)