(a)    Whenever a violation of this Zoning Code occurs, or is alleged to have occurred, any person may file a written complaint. Such complaint stating fully the causes and basis thereof shall be filed with the Administrator. The Administrator shall record such complaint, immediately investigate, and take action thereon as provided by this Zoning Code.
   (b)    Upon becoming aware of any violation of any provision of this chapter, the Administrator shall serve notice of such violation on the person committing or permitting the same, and if such violation has not ceased within such reasonable time as the Administrator has specified in such notice, he shall institute such action as may be necessary to terminate the violation.
   (c)    Any building erected contrary to any of the provisions of this chapter and any use of any building or land which is conducted, operated, or maintained contrary to any provisions of this chapter shall be and the same is hereby declared to be unlawful. The Administrator may initiate injunction, mandamus, abatement or any other appropriate action to prevent, enjoin, abate, or remove such violations.
   (d)    The remedies provided for in this section are cumulative and not exclusive and shall be in addition to any other remedies provided by law.
(1969 Code 150.805(A), (B), (D), (E))