Preliminary plats shall be prepared by a registered surveyor or engineer at a scale of one inch equals one hundred feet (1"= 100') and the entire project shall be displayed on a single sheet when possible. Preliminary plats shall include the following:
    (a)    A vicinity or location map at a scale of 1" = 1000' showing the relationship of the proposed subdivision to the surrounding area.
   (b)    The name of the subdivision, the name and address of the developer, the name of the engineer or surveyor, a north arrow, scale, and date.
   (c)    The names of all adjoining property owners.
   (d)    The current zoning of the property to be subdivided and of the contiguous properties.
   (e)    The location and dimensions of all boundary lines of the property expressed in feet and decimals of a foot.
   (f)    The location of existing water bodies, streams, drainage ditches, trees which have a diameter at breast height of six (6) inches or more to be preserved and other pertinent features.
   (g)    The location, width, names and classification of all existing and proposed streets, rights-of-way, and easements, and where pertinent, their designated uses.
   (h)    The approximate location and dimensions of all proposed lots.
    (i)    The approximate location, dimensions, and area of all property proposed to be set aside for parks, open space, or other public or private reservation, with designation of the purpose and proposed ownership thereof.
   (j)   Topography with a maximum contour interval of two feet. Elevations shall be based on mean sea level datum obtained from benchmarks established by the City.
   (k)    Indication of the proposed use of any lot other than residential.
   (l)    Lots shall be numbered consecutively and the total number of lots and their combined acreage shown on the plat.
   (m)    Preliminary proposals for connection to existing water supply and sanitary sewer systems and for the collection and discharge of surface water drainage including the location and size of existing and proposed water mains, sanitary sewers and drainage facilities.
    (n)    Letters from the Lake County Sanitary Engineer and Aqua Ohio, Inc. indicating that the water and sewer systems are capable of meeting the projected demands to be generated by the proposed project.
   (o)    Where it is proposed to develop the tract in sections or stages, a tentative delineation of the sections and their phasing.
   (p)    A trip generation study.
   (q)    The location of any jurisdictional wetlands on the site as delineated by an expert acceptable to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
      (Ord. 10-O-91. Passed 10-5-10.)