Water main extensions may be made in any of the following ways:
   (a)    If the City is desirous of providing water service and fire protection to certain areas and the company agrees that it is financially feasible to do so, the company shall extend water mains upon the following conditions:
      (1)    Streets with existing water mains: The company will install new water mains as outlined in its long-range plan. Project priorities will be set jointly by the company and the City based upon the City Master Fire Plan.
      (2)    Residential streets without existing water mains: The City and the company will determine, based upon the City Master Fire Protection Plan, which existing streets should receive water service and fire protection. The company will install new water mains if a survey shows:
         A.    That a water main of sufficient size is available for extension to the area desiring service;
         B.    That the owners of at least 60% of the frontage abutting the proposed water main will:
            1.    Sign an application for service and agree to connect to the extension and take service upon its completion.
            2.    Pay, in advance, a related facilities fee.
            3.    Pay, in advance, a "frontage charge" per foot of frontage.
The "frontage charge per foot" shall be determined by dividing the estimated cost of the main extension by the frontage along the route of said extension. If a water main larger than 8" diameter is required by the company in a residential area, the frontage charge per foot will be based on the estimated cost of a main of 8" diameter constructed under the same conditions.
   (b)    Extension of mains for private fire protection, industrial use, real estate developments, or other special service, may be secured under the terms and conditions outlined below:
      (1)    General Extension Method. The applicant for the main extension shall submit to the Company a set of detailed plans of the proposed construction, showing the location, dimensions and type of proposed construction, the location, dimensions and type of proposed mains and cost estimates (to be reviewed by the Company) of the proposed construction. The plans shall be in proper form for submittal to the City. Upon request, the Company will inform the developer or other party as to how the construction plans are to be prepared. Construction shall not commence until the plans have been approved by the Company and the City and a written main extension agreement has been executed.
         A.    If the applicant desires that the Company construct the main extension, the applicant shall arrange with the Company to pay the costs and expenses which will be incurred by the Company in installing said main extension and placing it in service.
         B.    If the applicant desires to construct the main extension himself, or to arrange with a third party to have the main extension constructed, the Company shall place said main extension in service when the following conditions have been met:
            1.    The water main has been pressure tested and disinfected according to Company approved specifications.
            2.    The applicant has paid all costs incurred by the Company for inspection of the waterline construction.
            3.    The applicant has furnished the Company with a one (1) year maintenance bond for all water main construction within the project. Bond to take effect from date main is placed in service.
            4.    The applicant furnishes the Company with proof of payment for all labor, pipe and other materials expended and used in construction of the project.
      (2)    When the extension is placed in service, it shall become the property of the Company, and the Company shall thereafter assume the responsibility for the operation and maintenance of same.
      (3)    Should the Company and the developer or other party be satisfied that the proposed extension will enable others situated along such extension to obtain water service not otherwise available from the system, the Company, at the request of the developer or other party, shall enter into an agreement establishing a per foot frontage connection charge to be collected from every applicant for water service having frontage along said extension and desiring to connect to said extension, which charge shall be computed, collected and disbursed as follows:
         A.   The per foot frontage connection charge shall be computed by dividing the developer's or other party's total cost of said extension by the total number of feet of private property frontage, including property owned by the developer or other party, fronting said extension, but not including any frontage for which water service has been or may become available from a standard main of the system.
         B.    Each applicant for water service having frontage along said extension, which frontage was taken into consideration in computing the per foot frontage connection charge, shall pay to the Company for the account of the developer or other party, at the time of making application for service, a connection charge computed by multiplying the per foot frontage charge by the total front footage of the applicant's lot or parcel of land which is to receive water service.
         C.    All such connection charges collected by the Company shall be paid over to the developer or other party as collected. When the total of the charges collected and paid over to the developer or other party equals the total cost of construction, without interest, or after a period of 15 years from the date of the developer or other party agreement, whichever event first occurs, no further connection charges shall be made by the Company, and at that time the Company shall be fully relieved of its obligation under the agreement.
         D.    Upon the initial application for water service for any lot, parcel of land, unit or facility abutting the main extension, the applicant shall pay to the Company the appropriate related facilities fee.
   (c)    The Company, if it so desires, upon the approval by the City of Mentor, may construct a water main which will enable parties situated along such main to obtain water service not otherwise available from the system. The Company shall establish a per foot frontage connection charge to be collected from each applicant for water service having a frontage along said main connecting into said main, which charge shall be computed and collected as follows:
      (1)    The per foot frontage connection charge shall be computed by taking the Company's total cost of said main if said main is of eight inch (8") pipe or smaller or if said main is of larger than eight inch (8") pipe then by the estimated cost of a main of eight inch (8") pipe constructed under the same conditions and dividing such cost by the total number of feet of private property fronting said main, but not including any frontage for which water service has been or may become available from an existing main of the system.
      (2)    Each applicant for water service having frontage along said main which frontage was taken into consideration in computing the per foot frontage pipeline charge shall pay to the Company, at the time of making application for service, a connection charge computed by multiplying the per foot frontage charge by the total foot frontage of the applicant's lot or parcel of land which is to receive water service.
      (3)    Each applicant shall also pay a related facilities fee.
   (d)    No extension of a main shall be made until the grade of the street or road shall have been legally fixed by the City and until the surface thereof shall be within one (1) foot of such grade. (1969 Code 53.06)