(a)    The company, on the terms hereafter set forth, shall furnish sufficient, adequate and uninterrupted water and water service for public, domestic, commercial and industrial use, and sufficient, adequate and uninterrupted water for public and private fire protection to the City, its residents and water consumers thereof, subject, however, to such temporary interruptions in service as may occur due to forces over which the company has no control and during the installation, repair, maintenance, replacement and relocation of the supply, transmission or distribution systems.
   (b)    The company shall build, maintain and operate the supply, treatment, pumping and storage facilities, transmission mains and distribution mains needed to furnish sufficient and adequate service to the City, its residents and water consumers, and keep same at all times in good condition for the use and purposes intended.
   (c)    The water supply for the City shall be drawn from Lake Erie. In the event of an insufficient amount of suitable water obtainable, the company may secure its water supply from other sources sufficient in quantity and of quality satisfactory to the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, and suitable for the needs and requirements of the City and the water consumers therein; provided, however, that this provision shall not preclude said company from furnishing water for manufacturing and industrial purposes, street flushing and sprinkling from any other source of supply available.
(1969 Code 53.02)