925.20 FEES.
   The fees and deposits prescribed herein shall be additive and unless otherwise specifically provided, shall be paid for each item listed.
   (a)    A fee of Seventy Dollars ($70.00) (Effective January 1, 2009 $100.00) is hereby established for the original application for a certificate of registration. A fee of Thirty-five Dollars ($35.00) (Effective January 1, 2009 $50.00) is hereby established for each annual renewal of a certificate of registration within 30 days from the prior calendar year. The registration fee after January 3l, shall be charged at the original application amount above.
   (b)   Storm water construction permit -$40.00 (Effective January 1, 2009 $50.00) which includes the first 100 lineal feet of storm drainage improvement, or fraction thereof, plus $10.00 (Effective January 1, 2009 $20.00) for each additional 100 lineal feet of storm drainage improvement or fraction thereof.
   (c)    Right-of-way Construction Permits - $40.00( Effective January 1, 2009 $50.00).
   (d)    Pavement open cut permit fee- $100.00 (Effective January 1, 2009 $200.00). In lieu of the fee, utility service providers shall be billed for actual inspection and plan review time.
   (e)    Inspection and Plan Review charges including but not limited to utility work, such as mains, trunks and transmission lines,$30.00/hour (Effective January 1, 2009 $40.00/hour).
   (f)    Inspection charges necessary as a result of faulty construction, or inadequate erosion and sediment control measures or inaccurate information, given the Engineering Division $20.00/ inspection (to be deducted from deposit).
   (g)   Prior to the issuance of any construction permit a construction deposit shall be posted in the amount of $45.00 ( Effective January 1, 2009 $60.00). In the case of utility service providers, the City Engineer may waive this deposit if a monthly billing process has been established.
   (h)    Inspection Deposits shall be required where the scope of work dictates and where required to insure payment of inspection fees. The amount of the inspection deposit shall be determined by the City Engineer.
      (Ord. 08-0-35. Passed 5-6-08.)