For the purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section.
    (a)    Boring - A construction method involving pushing, tunneling, or drilling a pipe or cable under pavement.
   (b)    City Engineer - The City Engineer of the City of Mentor.
   (c)    Construction Plans - The maps, drawings, and specifications accompanying an application or permit showing the specific location and design of improvements to be installed.
   (d)    Curb or Pavement Cut - Cutting, removal, or other alteration of existing pavement, curb or gutter.
   (e)    Public Easement - Authorization by a property owner for use by the City and for a specified purpose, of any designated part of his property. This definition does not include easements granted for utility services, pursuant to a utility easement, as hereinafter defined.
   (f)    Registered Contractor - A contractor lawfully registered by the City of Mentor as required by this chapter.
   (g)    Right-of-Way - Land occupied or intended to be occupied by a street, crosswalk, walkway, or other public improvement relating to public travel, access or use.
   (h)    Right-of-Way Improvement - Any physical improvement located within the bounds of, on the surface of, above, or below a dedicated public street, right-of- way, or easement, including, but not limited to streets, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, driveway aprons, water lines, electric lines, sanitary sewer lines, storm sewer lines, ditches, swales, culverts, drains, cable television wires, and gas lines.
   (i)    Sidewalk - Any walkway constructed in that portion of a public right-of-way or easement designed particularly for pedestrian travel.
   (j)    Storm Drainage Improvement - Any facility, including but not limited to swales, ditches, pipes, and drains which collect, store, channel, direct, or otherwise physically control surface or subsurface water and cause such water to flow into the storm sewer system or other storm water control facility of the City of Mentor. For the purposes of this chapter, the term "storm drainage facility" shall include such facilities constructed on private property.
   (k)    Tree Lawn - The area of the right-of-way located between the street pavement and the right-of-way line.
   (l)    Traffic Impact - Amount of delay time to traffic resulting from development of land as determined by the Highway Capacity Manual, Special Report 209, 3rd Edition, Washington, D.C.; Transportation Research Board 1994 and amendments or additions thereto.
   (m)    Trip Generation - Traffic resulting from development of land as determined by Trip Generation, 5th Edition, Washington, D.C.; Institute of Transportation Engineer and amendments or additions thereto.
    (n)    Utility Easement - Authorization by a property owner for the use of a designated part of his property for the specific purpose of constructing, placing, operating, maintaining, repairing, reconstructing or relocating facilities related to the distribution and transmission of utility services and/or any other communication entities franchised to serve the community, for public and private use.
      (1969 Code 155.12)