(a)   Permanent records of each individual patron, customer or client shall be maintained by the permit holder or operator of the tattoo or body piercing establishment. Before the tattooing operation begins, the patron or customer shall be required to enter on a form provided for such establishment, the date, his or her name, address, age, serial number if a member of the armed forces, answers to questions on medical history and his or her signature. Such records shall be maintained in the tattoo establishment and shall be available for examination by the City and the Heath Commissioner for a period of not less than five (5) years.
   (b)   All Class A reportable communicable diseases as defined in Section 3701-3-02 of the Ohio Administrative Code resulting from the practice of tattooing or body piercing which become known to the operator shall promptly be reported to the Health Commissioner by the person owning or operating the tattooing establishment, and the infected client shall be referred to a physician.