As used in this chapter the following terms are defined as follows:
   (a)    Condensate - shall mean liquid hydrocarbons that were originally in the gaseous phase in the reservoir.
   (b)    Driller - shall mean the individual or firm responsible for the actual drilling operation.
   (c)    Gas - shall mean all natural gas and all other fluid hydrocarbons not defined as oil, including condensate.
   (d)    Oil - shall mean crude petroleum oil and all other hydrocarbons, regardless of gravity, that are produced in liquid form by ordinary production methods, but does not include liquid hydrocarbons that were originally in a gaseous phase in the reservoir.
   (e)    Producer - shall mean the owner of a gas or oil well.
   (f)    Well - shall mean any bore hole, whether drilled or bored for production, extraction, or injection of any gas or liquid mineral, excluding potable water to be used as such, but including natural or artificial brines and oil field waters.
      (1969 Code 120.02)
   (g)   “Parcel owner” shall mean the record owner as shown in the current tax list of the Lake County Auditor.
(Ord. 06-0-72. Passed 6-20-06.)