The Director shall cause periodic inspections to be made of all premises or locations where mechanical or electronic amusement devices are used, kept, exhibited or displayed. If in the opinion of the Director, said devices are causing or contributing to cause a nuisance, are being used or operated in violation of state and/or local gambling laws, or are creating an environment detrimental to the health, safety or welfare of the citizens of the City of Mentor, he shall immediately notify in writing the person who is the owner of the device or devices of his findings.
   If in the opinion of the Director, the conditions giving rise to his findings, have not been abated within ten (10) days after written notice to the owner, he shall forthwith order the owner to remove all mechanical and electronic devices from the premises, location or locations referred to in his findings, which devices shall be removed by the owner within five (5) days after receipt in writing of said order of removal. Thereafter, no mechanical or electronic devices shall be permitted in or upon the premises, location or locations from which same were ordered removed for a period of ninety (90) days after said removal. At the expiration of ninety (90) days, mechanical or electronic devices may again be used, kept, exhibited or displayed in or at said premises, location or locations provided, however, that if the device or devices are again removed from said premises, location or locations pursuant to the provisions of this section, they shall not thereafter be permitted therein or thereon for a period of one year from the date of removal.
   The provisions of this section shall not apply to any premises, location or locations in which beer or intoxicating liquor is permitted to be consumed on the premises pursuant to a license duly issued by the State of Ohio, Department of Liquor Control.
(1969 Code 118.05)