Any gambling device, gambling apparatus, punch board, trade card, ticket, check, writing, slip, paper or document, such as is commonly used as a representation, memorandum or evidence of or in the process of making, settling, paying, registering, evidencing or recording a wager upon the result of any race, contest of skill, speed or power of endurance of any man or beast or of any lottery, "policy," number game, or scheme of chance by whatever name, style, or title denominated or known is declared to be a nuisance and prejudicial to the public good and public morals and the same when so unlawfully possessed shall be seized by any police officer and destroyed upon the order of a court of competent jurisdiction, providing the same is not used as an exhibit in evidence in any criminal prosecution, in which case the same becomes a part of the record of the court and shall be subject to destruction only after the final disposition of the case. (1969 Code 136.06)