For the purposes of this chapter, the following terms, phrases, words and their derivations shall have the meaning given herein:
    (a)    "Minor" means any person under eighteen (18) years of age and not:
      (1)    If a legal resident of another state, recognized as being of the age of majority of the person's state of legal residence or,
      (2)    Recognized as emancipated pursuant to Ohio law or, if a resident of another state, of the law of the person's state of legal residence.
   (b)    "Parent" means any person having legal custody of a minor:
      (1)    As a natural or adoptive parent,
      (2)    As a legal guardian,
      (3)    As a person who stands in loco parentis, or
      (4)    As a person to whom legal custody has been given by order of court.
   (c)    "Public place" means any street, highway, alley or right of way, including sidewalks; any park, playground, ground, place or building open to the public; any privately or publicly owned place of amusement, entertainment or public accommodation, including parking lots and any other areas adjacent thereto; and any vacant lot or land or, without the consent of the owner, any private property.
   (d)    A reference to time of day is based upon the prevailing standard of time generally observed at that hour by the public in the City, prima facie the time then observed in the City administrative offices and Police Department.
   (e)    "Year of age" continues from one birthday - such as the seventeenth - to, but not including, the date of the next - such as the eighteenth birthday.