5-1-1: Certain Animals Prohibited And Restricted
5-1-2: Poultry, Backyard Chickens, And Requirements
5-1-3: Livestock And Poultry At Large
   A.   Compliance With Provisions: It shall be unlawful for any person to raise or maintain cattle, horses, sheep, hogs, pigs, including pot bellied pigs, goats, rabbits, or chickens on any property that is either wholly or partially inside the city limits, except as provided in this chapter.
   B.   Pigs And Goats Prohibited: It shall be unlawful for any person to raise or maintain pigs, including pot bellied pigs, hogs, or goats on any property that is either wholly or partially inside the city limits. (Ord. 244, 1-13-2014)
   C.   Cattle, Horses, Sheep And Rabbits:
      1.   Minimum Lot Size: It shall be lawful to raise or maintain cattle, horses, sheep or rabbits on lots larger than one acre in size when said lot is either wholly or partially within the city limits.
      2.   Number Of Animals:
         a.   The number of individual livestock animals allowed under subsection C1 of this section shall be limited to the following, excluding animals under six (6) months in age:
            Cattle and horses: One per ten thousand (10,000) square feet of raising area.
            All other permitted livestock: One per five thousand (5,000) square feet of raising area.
         b.   "Raising area", for the purposes of the raising or maintaining of livestock, shall be defined as the fenced area, exclusive of barns, pens or other structures, on which livestock freely graze or otherwise have access.
      3.   Fence Requirements: All lots on which livestock is raised or maintained must be adequately fenced to protect the public. All fencing erected pursuant to this subsection C3 must comply with the provisions of title 9, chapter 2 of this code.
      4.   Condition Of Premises: All property used to raise or maintain livestock must be in proper condition to do so.
      5.   Compliance With City Zoning Regulations And County And State Law: All property used to raise or maintain livestock must meet the requirements of title 10 of this code, as well as other provisions of city, county and state law. (Ord. 202, 7-14-2003)
   D.   Violation; Penalty: Any violation of any portion of this chapter shall be a misdemeanor and may be punishable according to Idaho Code. (Ord. 244, 1-13-2014)



1. See also sections 10-3A-2 and 10-3C-2 of this code.
   A.   Requirements: It shall be unlawful for any person to keep or cause to be kept any ducks, geese, turkeys or other poultry, except chickens, on any property that is either wholly or partially inside the city limits.
   B.   Purpose: It shall be the purpose of this section to establish requirements to allow for the keeping of chickens on any property that is either wholly or partially inside the city limits.
   C.   Section Definitions:
   CHICKENS: Hen chickens only.
   COMMERCIAL USE: Selling chickens or eggs.
   RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY: Single-family dwelling as defined in section 10-2-1 of this code.
   D.   Requirements For Keeping Chickens Within City Limits:
      1.   Number Of Chickens: Up to three (3) hens may be permitted on any detached single-family lot within city limits. Roosters are prohibited within city limits.
      2.   Distance Requirements: All chicken enclosures and feed must be secured to prevent problems with mice and other pests and must be at least ten feet (10') from any fence line, and be located in the backyard. No enclosures may be located in the front or side yard of a residential property. Minimum lot size for the keeping of chickens is five thousand (5,000) square feet. Additionally, the coop may not be attached to a shared fence.
      3.   Exception To Distance Requirement: Chicken enclosures may be located not closer than two feet (2') from a rear fence adjoining an alley.
      4.   Certain Dwellings And Facilities Prohibited: It is unlawful to keep chickens on or in two-family dwellings (duplex), multi-family dwellings, or commercial facilities.
      5.   Commercial Sale Prohibited: Residential property is not allowed to be used for commercial sale of eggs or chickens.
      6.   Nuisance Control: It is unlawful and may be declared a nuisance for any person keeping or maintaining chickens in accordance with this chapter to allow the chickens to create a disturbance to the residents in the particular locality by creating any noise, odor, or damage to neighboring property, and the keeping and maintaining of chickens must not interfere with the peaceful and quiet enjoyment of such property by nearby owners or residents.
      7.   Property Owner Duty To Comply With Private Conditions Or Covenants: The property owner is responsible to determine whether other private conditions, restrictive covenants, or private agreements prohibit keeping chickens or provide stricter requirements on a particular property.
      8.   Enforcement: Any individual violating any provision of this section may be in violation of title 4, chapter 1, "Nuisances", of this code and enforcement actions may be taken in accordance with the city nuisance provisions. (Ord. 244, 1-13-2014)
It shall be unlawful for any owner or custodian of any livestock or poultry, whether permitted or prohibited within city limits, to allow such animal to be, or remain, at large within the city. In addition to other fines and penalties as set forth in this chapter, the city may also impose a charge for the costs of impounding and care of such animal(s) at large. (Ord. 244, 1-13-2014)