(a)    Before proceeding with the construction, enlargement, alteration, repair or removal of any one, two or three-family residential building or structure and all occupancies named in the Ohio Building Code as defined in Ohio R.C. Chapters 3781 and 3791 inclusive; or any auxiliary building or structure thereto, a permit shall first be obtained by the owner of the premises upon which the building or structure is located, or proposed to be built, from the Department of Building Regulations. The application shall be made in writing upon printed forms furnished by the Department. The application shall, except for removal of buildings, be accompanied by three sets of plans and specifications in compliance with the provisions of 1311.02 (f) of this Code.
   When the plans and specifications are found to conform to the requirements of this Building Code and Zoning Ordinances, and upon payment of the required fee therefor, the Chief Building Official shall issue a permit to proceed with the work involved.
(Ord. 58-80. Passed 5-12-80.)
   (b)    The requirements for an existing building which the owner proposes to move to a new location on the same lot, or a different lot, shall be the same as those for a new building, as outlined in this Building Code.
(Ord. 61-69. Passed 5-12-69.)
   (c)    One copy of the plans and specifications shall remain on file with the record of inspection in the office of the Inspector until final approval of the job. The other set shall be stamped "Approved" and signed by the Chief Building Official. This set shall be kept on the job for reference until completion and final approval of the job.
   (d)    No building permits will be issued by the Chief Building Official for dwellings in which the owner intends to use the basement for living quarters until the superstructure is erected.
   (e)    Building permits issued by the City, for buildings upon which no physical work on the building has been done prior to the adoption of this Building Code, shall be subject to all of the provisions of this Building Code.
(Ord. 68-58. Passed 5-4-59.)
   (f)    A building permit will not be required for work done by plasterers, drywallers, plumbers, floorcoverers, wall tilers, electricians, storm window installers, guttermen, cabinet builders and installers, awning and ornamental iron work installers, as long as they do not require a foundation and do not alter the existing structure in any way.
(Ord. 66-60. Passed 8-22-60.)
   (g)    A building permit shall be posted on street side of project and maintained in good condition until completion of building. No inspections shall be made unless the permit is posted.
(Ord. 25-61. Passed 5-22-61.)
   (h)    No building permit will be issued for the construction of any building or structure for which a building permit is required in a subdivision or elsewhere within the City until the applicant for such building permit has furnished satisfactory proof that all storm sewers, sanitary sewers, water lines and street paving that are required to be installed have in fact been installed or are in operation or capable of being operated. Further, prior to the issuance of the permit the applicant shall furnish proof that a container shall be located at the construction site for deposit of all scrap construction material and containers or shipping crates for construction material. If an adequate container is not provided and maintained during construction to accommodate the removal of the construction material, the Chief Building Official may revoke the building permit.
(Ord. 85-90. Passed 5-29-90.)