The establishment of a Special Planning District (SPD) represents a formal amendment to the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map. The process for establishing an SPD and approving the Conceptual Development Plan and Guidelines shall be the same as provided for in Section 1107.06.
(a)   In addition to the submission requirements set forth in Section 1107.06 and 1114.05, the following data shall be required to be submitted to the Planning Director:
(1)   Present use and land subject to zone change;
(2)   Present zoning district;
(3)   Proposed use and plans including the proposed Conceptual Plan;
(4)   Proposed SPD zoning district;
(b)   All land within the SPD shall be contiguous in that it shall not be divided into segments by (1) any limited access highway, or (2) any tract of land not owned by the developer of the SPD.
      (Ord. 109-14. Passed 6-23-14.)