For each specific SPD established by the City, a separate Conceptual Development Plan with supporting Development Guidelines shall be created and adopted by Council at the time of establishment of an SPD, following the procedures set forth in this chapter, and in Chapter 1107. A Conceptual Development Plan shall be drawn to a scale of a minimum of one (1) inch equals one hundred (100) feet and shall include the following:
(a)   Circulation Plan, illustrating the basic route of major pedestrian and vehicular ways within the project and their intersection with existing rights of way.
(b)   Land Use Plan which shall include schematic presentation of basic land uses and their relationship to existing vegetation, topography, and other natural aspects of the site including descriptions of proposed uses in the non-residential portions of the site.
(c)   Density, indicating the net density of areas under review and an indication of the type(s) of structure(s).
(d)   Transitions, including visual illustrations of how transitions/ buffers will be accomplished between the SPD District and adjacent districts.
(e)   Development Guidelines for the development of the site which may include lot and yard requirements, signage, parking and landscaping controls.
   The information required above may be combined in any suitable and convenient manner so long as the data required is clearly indicated. Specific submission requirements may be waived by the Planning Commission if the Commission judges the requirement to be inappropriate for the particular situation.
   The purpose of the Conceptual Plan is to illustrate the character of development desired by the City. The Planning Commission shall have the authority to make adjustments to an approved Conceptual Plan provided that such changes are limited to site design and configuration and do not include changes of use, density or other provisions of the Development Guidelines.
(Ord. 109-14. Passed 6-23-14.)