   A.   Duties, Generally: It is the duty of the police department to apprehend and arrest on view or on warrant and bring to justice all violators of the ordinances of the city; to suppress all riots, affrays, and unlawful assemblies which may come to their knowledge, and generally to keep the peace; to serve all warrants, writs, executions, and other processes properly directed and delivered to them; to apprehend and arrest persons violating federal or state law as provided by law, and to turn them over to proper authorities; and in all respects to perform all duties pertaining to the office of police officer.
   B.   Operation Of City Jail: The police department has charge of and operates the city jail. (1987 Code § 13-302)
   A.   Appointment: Police officers shall be appointed subject to approval of the city council. They shall meet all statutory and city requirements to be eligible to serve as police officers.
   B.   Duties: Police officers shall perform such duties as shall be required of them by the chief of police, city ordinances, federal, state and county regulations and any other actions required in the maintenance of good order and public peace. (1987 Code § 13-303)
   A.   Administration: The police department shall create and administer a community service work program. The purposes of such program will be to serve as a penal sanction for persons violating the ordinances of the city and to provide a valuable service to the community.
   B.   Participation In Work Program:
      1.   Participants of this program will be persons ordered to perform community service work by the municipal court for the city.
      2.   Participation in the program will be according to a schedule consistent with the employment and family responsibilities of the person.
      3.   All work to be performed will be for the express and sole benefit of the public in general, and will not be for the benefit of any private individuals.
   C.   Completion Of Program; Report: Upon a person's successful completion of the work program, the police department will report to the court clerk that the person has completed the program. The report shall contain the total number of hours the person participated in the work program.
   D.   Expulsion From Program: At any time, with just cause, the police department may expel a participant from the program. When a participant is so expelled, the police department shall give prompt notice to the court clerk indicating the reason for the expulsion. (1987 Code § 13-304)