Purpose, Authority and Jurisdiction
   190.001   Purpose
   190.002   Authority and administrative agency
   190.003   Area of jurisdiction
   190.015   Purpose
   190.016   Definitions
Administrative Procedures
   190.030   Advisory meeting with Planning Commission
   190.031   Preliminary plat approval
   190.032   Final plat approval
   190.033   Variances
General Requirements and Minimum Standards of Design
   190.045   Suitability of land for subdivision development
   190.046   Streets
   190.047   Blocks
   190.048   Lots
   190.049   Off-street loading and parking facilities
   190.050   Utility and draining easements
   190.051   Community assets
   190.052   Conformance with zoning and other regulations
   190.053   Public open space
   190.054   Large tracts or parcels
Public Safety Policies
   190.065   Statement of policy concerning curbside mailbox requirements
   190.066   Statement of policy concerning culvert installation and replacement
   190.080   Enforcement
   190.081   Fee schedules
   190.082   Zoning variances
   190.095   Adoption
   190.999   Penalty
   Appendix A   Subdivision public improvements completion agreement
   Appendix B   Reserved
   Appendix C   Reserved
   Appendix D   Application for self-funded bond guarantee
   Appendix E   Self-funded bond guarantee
   Appendix F   Statement of policy concerning curbside mailbox requirements
   Appendix G   Statement of policy concerning culvert installation and replacement
   Appendix H   Road specifications
   Appendix I   Forms for final plat certification
§ 190.001 PURPOSE.
   (A)   Land subdivision is the first step in the process of community development. Once land has been divided into streets, blocks, lots, and open spaces, a pattern has been established which usually determines how well the county needs for residence, business, and industry will be met. It also determines to a great extent how well it will be able to meet the demand for home sites and how efficiently and economically it will be able to provide the many services demanded of it.
   (B)   After land has been subdivided and publicly recorded, it is costly and difficult to correct defects and deficiencies in the subdivision layout and in the facilities provided. In addition, a subdivided area sooner or later becomes a public responsibility in that roads and streets must be maintained and various public services customary to urban areas must be provided. The welfare of the entire county is thereby affected in many important respects. The guidance of land development in harmony with county objectives is, therefore, a matter of serious public concern and it is in the interest of the public, the developer, and the future owners that subdivisions be conceived, designed, and developed in accordance with sound rules and proper standards.
   (C)   This chapter, certified copies of which are filed in the office of the County Clerk, are designed to provide for the harmonious development of the subdivided areas; for a coordinated layout; for the proper arrangement of streets; for adequate and convenient open spaces for traffic, utilities, recreation, light, air and access of firefighting equipment; for avoidance of population congestion through requirements for minimum lot widths and lot areas; for adequate provision of water, drainage, sewer and other sanitary facilities; and for reducing flood damage potentials to the greatest extent possible.
(Ord. passed 11-27-2017)
   This chapter was prepared and adopted by the County Planning Commission pursuant to the authority of KRS Chapter 100. It shall be administered by the County Planning Commission. The County Planning Commission, established in accordance with KRS Chapter 100, has fulfilled the requirements set forth in the applicable sections of the state statutes as pre-requisite for the adoption of such chapter. The Planning Commission shall assume all powers and duties of a Board of Adjustment.
(KRS 100.202) (Ord. passed 11-27-2017)