Purpose, Authority and Jurisdiction
150.001 Purpose
150.002 Authority
150.003 Area jurisdiction
Definitions and Interpretations
150.015 Purpose
150.016 Definitions
150.017 Subdivision coordination required
150.018 Zone classification and boundaries
150.019 Interpretation of zone boundaries
General Regulations
150.030 Applicability of subchapter
150.031 Access control
150.032 Nonconforming uses
150.033 Lots
150.034 Conditional uses
150.035 Mobile home parks
150.036 Planned unit development
150.037 Adult entertainment use and activities
150.038 Cellular antenna tower regulations
150.039 Signs
150.040 Solar energy systems
150.041 Mobile food vehicles
150.042 Recreational vehicle communities
District Regulations
150.050 Purpose
150.051 Agricultural District (AG)
150.052 Rural Residential District (RR)
150.053 Urbanizing Residential District (UR)
150.054 Mobile Home Park (MHP)
150.055 Commercial (C)
150.056 Light Industry Zone (ML)
150.057 Heavy Industry Zone (MH)
150.058 Parking
Permits and Applications
150.070 Building permit
150.071 Site plan required
150.072 Certificate of occupancy
150.073 Application required
Storm Water Conveyance and Management
150.085 Purpose
150.086 Definitions
150.087 Storm water conveyance and management facilities required
150.088 Storm water conveyance facilities design
150.089 Erosion control
150.090 Storm water management facilities design criteria
150.091 Storm Water Management Plan
150.092 Exemptions
150.093 Design certification
150.094 Construction certification
Administration and Enforcement
150.105 Intent and scope of subchapter
150.106 Enforcement and administrative personnel
150.107 Board of Adjustment
150.108 Administrative jurisdiction
150.109 Amendments and development plans
150.110 Remedies
150.111 Fee schedules
150.999 Penalty
(A) An ordinance of the county which hereby establishes comprehensive zoning regulations and provides for the administration, enforcement, and amendment thereof, in accordance with the provisions of KRS Chapter 100, enacted by the Legislature of Kentucky, and for the repeal of all laws in conflict herewith.
(B) The county does hereby ordain and enact into law the following zoning regulations in pursuance of authority conferred by KRS Chapter 100, as amended, and for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, general welfare, morals, convenience, order, prosperity of the county, and in accordance with a comprehensive plan, with the goal of ensuring that development takes place in a manner compatible with adjacent land uses, to provide for adequate light and air, is consistent with and appropriate to existing or proposed infrastructure and is adequately served by necessary and essential services, including water sewerage, schools, parks, and other public requirements, and for ensuring proper drainage and reducing flood damage potentials, being made with reasonable consideration, among other things, of the character of the district and its suitability for particular uses; and with the goal of providing suitable living conditions and the sustained stability of neighborhoods, protecting property against blight and depreciation, securing economy in governmental expenditures, conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land.
(Ord. 2017-07, passed 11-27-2017)