Planned Residential Development District
Planned Residential Development District
1159.01 Intent.
1159.02 Provisions governing Planned Residential Developments.
1159.03 Permitted uses.
1159.04 Occupancy regulations.
1159.05 Development regulations.
1159.06 Parking regulations.
1159.07 Accessways and private streets.
1159.08 Signage.
1159.09 Homeowners association.
1159.10 Development plan review procedures.
Dwelling definitions - see P. & Z. 1113.08
Lot defined - see P. & Z. 1113.14
Swimming pool fences - see BLDG. 1341.12
Storage of recreation vehicles - see BLDG. 1373
1159.01 INTENT.
The intent of the Planned Residential Development District is to provide for residential development opportunities on larger land parcels within the Village when it has been determined that the location of the land is consistent with the purpose and intentions of this district which are to:
(a) Promote flexibility in design and permit planned diversification in the type and location of dwelling units permitted in the Village
(b) Offer cluster and townhouse development as a transitional use along and in locations which should remain residential but are not or may not be, suitable for standard residential subdivisions. This transitional use is appropriate along major arterial and collector streets and not designed for local residentia1 streets.
(c) Promote the efficient use of land to facilitate a more economical arrangement of buildings, circulation systems, and utilities.
(d) Preserve to the greatest extent possible existing landscape features, open space areas, and amenities and to utilize such features in a harmonious fashion.
(e) Ensure the developments are compatible with surrounding areas by requiring the submission of development plans and establishing a review process to ensure that all developments are consistent with these regulations.
(f) The layout of parking areas, service areas, entrances, exits, signs, lighting, noise sources, or other potential adverse influences are designed and located to protect the residential character of areas adjacent to the development.
(g) Meet the changing housing needs of the population of Mayfield Village.
(h) Maintain and protect the existing residential character of Mayfield Village.
(Ord. 2003-02. Passed 4-21-03.)
Because of the special characteristics of planned residential developments, special provisions governing the development of land for this purpose are required therefor. Whenever there is a conflict or difference between the provisions of this chapter and those of other chapters and sections of this Code, the provisions set forth in this chapter shall prevail.
(Ord. 2003-02. Passed 4-21-03.)