Unsafe and Unsanitary Structures
Unsafe and Unsanitary Structures
1353.01 Definitions.
1353.02 Unsafe dwellings or structures.
1353.03 Foundations.
1353.04 Exterior walls and roof.
1353.05 Insects, vermin and rodents.
1353.06 Accessory structures.
1353.07 Exterior property areas.
1353.075 Trimming and preservation of trees; removal of dangerous trees.
1353.08 Notice of violation to owner.
1353.09 Hearing before Architectural Review Board.
1353.10 Order to vacate and posting of signs.
1353.11 Hearing before Council.
1353.12 Repairs.
1353.13 Demolition; costs a lien against property.
1353.14 Emergency authority.
1353.15 Legal action.
1353.16 Costs incurred due to Municipal action.
1353.99 Penalty.
Removal of unsafe structures - see Ohio R. C. 715.26(B), 715.261
Permit; fees for demolition of buildings - see BLDG. 1309.05