Moving of Buildings
1343.01    Permit required.
1343.02    Application for permit.
1343.03    Permit to be in two parts.
1343.04    Permit: expiration and renewal.
1343.05    Cash bond; insurance; etc.
1343.06    Inspection of building and equipment.
1343.07    Standards for issuance of permit.
1343.08    Approval of the Architectural Review Board.
1343.09    Designation of streets for moving.
1343.10    Authority of Law Director.
1343.99    Penalty.
         Power to license house movers - see Ohio R. C. 715.27
         Permit; fees for moving buildings - see BLDG. 1309.05(f)
   No person shall move any building or structure, or substantial part thereof, over, along or across any highway or street, whether dedicated or undedicated, private property or public grounds, within the Municipality or onto any premises within the Municipality, without obtaining a permit therefor, which permit shall not be granted without compliance with the provisions of this chapter and all other applicable provisions of the Building Code of the Municipality, not inconsistent therewith.
(Ord. 1083. Passed 1-20-69.)