   The Building Commissioner shall inspect the building and the applicant's equipment to determine whether the standards for issuance of a permit are met.
   The Building Commissioner shall issue a permit for the moving of a building if he finds upon inspection that all of the following requirements are met:
   (a)    The requirements of the building, plumbing, electrical, heating and zoning codes will be met by the building in its proposed new location.
   (b)    The application requirements and the necessary fee or deposit requirements has been complied with.
   (c)    The building is of such physical dimensions and of such condition as to permit its movement without endangering persons or property in the Municipality.
   (d)    That the building is not in such a state of deterioration or disrepair or otherwise structurally unsafe so that it may be moved without endangering persons and property in the Municipality.
   (e)    If the removal location is in the Municipality, that the building is structurally safe and fit for the purpose for its intended use upon the new location.
   (f)    That the applicant's equipment is safe and that the persons and property will not be endangered by its use.
   (g)    That there exists no other condition which might endanger persons or property in the Municipality by moving of the building.
      (Ord. 1083. Passed 1-20-69.)
   After the Building Commissioner has determined that the proposed building to be moved, and the applicant's equipment meets the standards provided in this chapter, he shall refer the matter to the Architectural Review Board for its approval or disapproval, and the permit shall not be issued without the approval of the Board. All persons owning property abutting both sides of the street in the block to which the building or structure is to be moved shall be given at least five days notice in writing of the time and place of the meeting of the Board at which the application will be considered. The notices may be served by leaving the same at the last known places of residence of the owners. The owners may appear at the meeting of the Board and may be heard upon the question as to whether or not the applicant is entitled to a permit under the terms of this chapter.
(Ord. 1083. Passed 1-20-69.)
   The Building Commissioner shall procure from the applicant a list of the designated streets over which the building is to be moved. The Building Commissioner shall have such list approved by the Police Chief and the Fire Chief. In making their determination, the various departments shall act to assure maximum safety to persons and property in the Municipality to minimize congestion and traffic hazards on the public streets. Upon approval of the designated streets and the time of moving, no deviation from the moving route shall be taken except upon consent of the Building Commissioner, the Police Chief and the Fire Chief. No building shall be left standing on the improved or unimproved portion of any street overnight or for more than two hours during the daytime, unless an extension is granted by the Building Commissioner upon the concurrence of the Police Chief and the Fire Chief. Such extension shall not be granted except in the case of extreme urgency. If the moving is to be along a dead end street, all owners of property abutting the street shall be given not less than twenty-four hours notice in writing of such intention at their last known place of residence by the permit holder.
(Ord. 1083. Passed 1-20-69.)
   The Law Director is hereby authorized to take action to enjoin the violation of this chapter and to recover damages suffered by the Municipality because of any violation of this chapter, and to take action to enforce the conditions of the cash bond provided for in this chapter.
(Ord. 1083. Passed 1-20-69.)