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Off-Street Parking, Loading, Access Drives and Sidewalks
1141.01   Application of regulations.
1141.02   Permits required.
1141.03   Bond required.
1141.04   Uses of parking areas.
1141.05   Determining number of spaces.
1141.06   Off-street parking requirements.
1141.07   Setback required.
1141.08   Design, construction and site specifications.
1141.09   Locations for parking.
1141.10   Off-street loading requirements.
1141.11   Recreational vehicle and utility trailer parking and storage.
1141.12   Special parking provisions.
1141.13   Conflicts.
   Whenever off-street parking areas are required or permitted by this Zoning Code or other legislation of the City, the same shall conform to the provisions of this chapter and shall be governed thereby. Whenever thirty percent (30%) or more of an existing non-conforming parking area is reconstructed or refurbished, the entire site shall be made to conform, and continue to conform, to the provisions of this Chapter, Chapter 1145, and other applicable provisions of the ordinances and other legislation of the City and the rules and regulations established and promulgated pursuant thereto, and shall be governed thereby. This percentage shall be an accumulative amount over the life of a parking area. All work beyond resealing and restriping shall be considered reconstruction and refurbishing. (Ord. 107-2020. Passed 10-5-20.)
   Whoever seeks to construct, enlarge, or alter any parking area designed for, or used by, the public, other than parking spaces provided as an accessory use to property used and occupied exclusively for single or two-family residential units, shall apply to the Zoning Administrator for a permit therefore and shall accompany such application by plans, specifications, profiles and drawings sufficient for the Zoning Administrator to determine whether or not the area after completion of the work contemplated will meet the requirements of this chapter and other applicable provisions of the ordinances and other legislation of the City and the rules and regulations established and promulgated pursuant thereto.
(Ord. 107-2020. Passed 10-5-20.)
   1141.03 BOND REQUIRED.
   Due to seasonal conditions where occupancy is desired prior to the ability to complete construction of a required parking area, such application shall be accompanied by a bond equal to the cost of construction of the improvement with good and sufficient surety or sureties to the approval of the Municipal Clerk or authorized designee conditioned upon the faithful observances of the provisions of this chapter and other applicable provisions of other legislation of the City, and the specifications, rules and regulations pertaining to such off-street parking area issued by and promulgated pursuant thereto and that the principal will do the work contemplated with reference to such areas in strict accordance therewith.
(Ord. 107-2020. Passed 10-5-20.)
   Except in districts where such uses are otherwise permitted:
   (a)   No business involving the repair or service to vehicles, or sale or display thereof shall be conducted from or upon such required parking areas.
   (b)   No structures shall be erected or remain on any portion of the parking area which would reduce the parking area required.
   (c)   Required parking spaces shall not be converted to other uses.
   (d)   Any area of asphalt or concrete that will be used for outdoor sales or display requires special approval from the Zoning Administrator.
   (e)   When any use has a large amount of excess hard surface area used for outdoor sales or display, such as the sale of automobiles, trucks, equipment, etc., the area used to meet the requirements of section 1141.06 must be clearly delineated and separate from the area used for sales and display.
   (f)   All hard surface area in excess of the area used to meet the required number of parking spaces listed in section 1141.06, may be required by the Zoning Administrator to be removed upon the closing of the business or any change of use, and prior to the issuance of a new Certificate of Occupancy.
      (Ord. 107-2020. Passed 10-5-20.)
   In computing the number of spaces required pursuant to Section 1141.06 (Off-Street Parking Requirements) the following rules shall govern:
   (a)   Where fractional spaces result, the required number of parking spaces shall be lowered to the next whole number.
   (b)   The parking space required for a use not specifically mentioned herein shall be the same as required for a use of similar nature.
   (c)   Whenever a structure or use is changed or is enlarged in floor area, number of employees, number of dwelling units, seating capacity, or otherwise is altered, which change or enlargement requires an addition in the required number of off-street parking spaces according to the standards contained herein, such additional required spaces shall be provided as a part of the enlargement or change.
   (d)   Properties within the C-3 Uptown Commercial District are exempt from Section 1141.06, however, the Zoning Administrator may, at their discretion, permit or require some on-site parking based on use or location.
   (e)   The Zoning Administrator has the authority to require additional parking based on accepted industry standards or if it has been determined that available parking is inadequate to support the existing use. (Ord. 107-2020. Passed 10-5-20.)
   In a district where any of the following uses are permitted, each such use shall provide parking spaces on the same lot. The number of required spaces shall also be considered the maximum number of permitted spaces. Any request to provide more or less than the number of permitted parking spaces listed below shall be reviewed and approved at the discretion of the Zoning Administrator. Such parking spaces shall be provided at the time of construction, enlargement, alteration or change in use according to the following requirements:
Maximum Parking Space Requirements
Dwelling, single-family, two-family and manufactured home:
Two (2) spaces per dwelling unit
Dwelling, multiple-family:
One space per bedroom
Dormitory, fraternity or sorority:
Three-fourths (3/4) space per bed
Nursing home, assisted living facility, etc.:
One (1) space per staff person during the shift with the largest number of employees, plus one-fourth (1/4) space per bed
Community center, library, museum:
Ten (10) spaces plus one (1) for each 300 square feet of floor area in excess of 2,000 square feet, exclusive of storage or book stack areas
Day care centers, adult or children:
One (1) per employee on the largest shift plus 5 spaces
Golf or country clubs, lodges, meeting halls, private clubs:
One (1) space for each 150 s.f. of floor area
Hospital or major health clinic:
One space for each employee on the largest shift, plus one (1) space for each Health Care Professional, plus one (1) space for each 2000 s.f. of floor area
Parks, playgrounds, ball and soccer fields:
One (1) space per four (4) visitors estimated peak service
Place of worship (such as a church or temple):
Twenty (20) spaces, or one (1) space for each three (3) seats based on maximum seating capacity in main auditorium, or one (1) space per ten (10) classroom seats, whichever is greater.
School (except high school or college):
One (1) space for each five (5) seats in main auditorium or gymnasium or one and one-half (1-1/2) spaces for each classroom, whichever is greater
Maximum Parking Space Requirements
School: High school or college:
One (1) space for each five (5) seats in main auditorium or gymnasium or five (5) spaces for each classroom, whichever is greater.
Theater or auditorium (except school auditorium), arena, stadium, etc.:
One (1) space for each four (4) seats or seating spaces based on maximum occupancy capacity.
Amusement and recreation facility, indoor (including arcades, indoor swimming, tennis courts, etc.):
One (1) space per patron based on maximum occupancy capacity plus one (1) space per employee on the largest working shift.
Amusement and recreation facility, outdoor (batting cages, go-cart racing, driving ranges, miniature golf, swimming pools, tennis courts, etc.):
One (1) space for every 150 s.f. of gross floor area or ground area used for amusement or assembly not containing fixed seats; plus one for each batting cage, go-cart, golf tee, or court; plus one for every four (4) fixed seats; plus one (1) per employee on the largest shift.
Bowling alley:
One (1) space for each employee on the largest shift, plus five (5) spaces for each lane plus one (1) space for each 150 square feet of floor area in a restaurant or bar area within the structure.
Retail construction sales and service contractor showrooms and home improvement centers:
One (1) space per 700 s.f. of gross floor area, plus one (1) space for each company vehicle, plus one (1) space for each employee on the largest shift.
Funeral home or mortuary:
Five (5) spaces plus one (1) for each 100 square feet of floor area in chapels or parlors.
Furniture or appliance store, hardware store, repair service:
Two (2) spaces plus one (1) space for each 350 square feet over 1,000 square feet of floor area.
Home occupation:
Refer to Section 1131.01(e) (Home Occupations).
Hotels, motor inns, or motel (including bed and breakfast and extended-stay facilities):
One (1) space for each bedroom or sleeping room.
Maximum Parking Space Requirements
Integrated business structure, containing varied retail or business uses such as in a shopping center or strip commercial building:
Four (4) spaces per 1,000 square feet of floor area. In making computations, freestanding individual businesses are not included in the floor area total, and are computed separately. Total spaces shall be the sum of the computed spaces.
Motor vehicle fueling station; automotive repair garages:
One (1) space for each employee on the largest working shift, plus three (3) spaces for each service bay or similar facility, plus one (1) space for each vehicle used directly in conduct of the business or stored on the premises.
Motor vehicle dealership:
One (1) space for each 350 s.f.of office and showroom area.
area used for outdoor sales and display shall be a maximum of one (1) space for each 250 s.f. of gross floor area.
Nurseries, greenhouses, and lawn and garden centers, including outdoor sales and display of living plant material:
One (1) space for each 500 s.f. of office, sales, or display area, plus one (1) space for each 5,000 s.f. of growing or storage area.   
Machinery or equipment sales or service on a small (light) scale :
One (1) space for each 350 s.f. of office and showroom area.
area used for outdoor sales and display shall be a maximum of one (1) space for each 350 s.f. of gross floor area.
Office: Professional service, trades, or business; Bank or financial institution; Government; Medical or dental clinics:
One (1) space for each 300 s.f. of gross floor area.
Office: Veterinary clinics or animal hospital:
Five (5) spaces plus one (1) space for each employee on largest shift
Restaurant (with drive-in or drive-thru service):
One (1) space for each employee on the largest shift plus one (1) space for every four (4) seats
Maximum Parking Space Requirements
Restaurant (with no drive-in or drive-through service), bar, sports bar, nightclub, dance hall, or other similar place of recreation or entertainment, assembly or exhibit hall:
One (1) space for each employee on the largest shift plus one (1) space for every three (3) seats.
Roadside stands offering for sale only agricultural products grown on the premises:
Three (3) spaces per establishment.
Retail sales or service establishments or centers less than 5,000 s.f. (also including: delivery services, newspaper substations, messenger and telegraph service stations, etc.):
One (1) space per 350 s.f. of gross floor area, plus one (1) space for each employee on the largest shift.
Retail sales or service establishments or centers between 5,000 s.f. and 15,000 s.f.
One (1) space per 400s.f. of gross floor area, plus one (1) space for each employee on the largest shift.
Retail sales or service establishments or centers greater than 15,000 s.f., except as otherwise specified herein:
One (1) space for each 400 square feet of gross floor area for the first 15,000 s.f., plus one (1) space for each 700 s.f. of gross floor area over 15,000 s.f., plus one (1) space for each employee on the largest shift. Parking for restaurants and theaters located within the center will be added to a shopping center minimum parking requirement.
Self-storage and mini-warehousing on a small scale:
Five (5) spaces in the vicinity of the leasing office and 24 foot drive aisles adjacent to all storage unit doors.
Supply yards:
One (1) space per 400 s.f. of gross sales floor area of primary structure plus one (1) space for each employee on the largest shift.
Wholesale establishment sales and display of merchandise:
One (1) space for each 400 s.f. of floor area.
Compounding, processing and packaging of meat, dairy and food products, exclusive of slaughtering:
Three (3) spaces plus one (1) space for each employee on the largest shift.
Construction or contractor storage warehouse:
Three (3) to ten (10) spaces
Maximum Parking Space Requirements
One (1) space for each three (3) washing and drying machines plus one (1) space for each employee on the largest shift.
Laundries, dry cleaning and dyeing plants:
One (1) per 300 s.f. of office area or one (1) space for each employee on the largest shift. Whichever is greater.
Manufacturing or industrial establishment, including bakeries, dairy processing; bottling plants; compounding, processing and packaging of animal products; fabrication, assembly, and repair of small electrical components and devices; machine shops, tool, and die shops; printing, binding, typesetting, or publishing plant; etc.:
One (1) per 300 s.f. of gross floor area plus one (1) space for each employee on the largest shift.
Public and private utilities including: Electric substations, equipment structures, transmission lines and towers; telephone substations, distribution centers and transmission equipment structure; gas regulator and meter stations; water filtration plants; water pumping stations; sanitary sewage treatment plants; sanitary sewage pumping stations; and commercial radio and television transmitting stations and antenna towers:
Two (2) spaces, plus one (1) space for each employee on the largest shift.
Recycling center:
Five (5) spaces, plus one (1) space for each employee on the largest shift, plus one (1) space per company vehicle, plus one (1) space per recycle collection container.
Truck and motor freight terminals:
One (1) space for each employee working inside the facility on the largest shift, plus two (2) spaces for each commercial vehicle operating from the premises.
Warehousing on a large scale:
Five (5) spaces, plus one (1) space for each employee on the largest shift.
Research, engineering, testing or laboratory facilities:
Five (5) spaces, plus one (1) space for each employee on the largest shift.
(Ord. 107-2020. Passed 10-5-20.)
   The parking area shall be set back from the street in conformity with the established setback for the use district involved as set forth in this Zoning Code. No parking area shall be constructed so as to allow a vehicle to overhang into a required front yard in any district or into other prohibited setback areas.
(Ord. 107-2020. Passed 10-5-20.)