Ord. No. | Date Passed | Description |
Ord. No. | Date Passed | Description |
146 | 1-31-1911 | Authorizes sale of Lots 96 and 97. |
C-35 | 9-23-1946 | Authorizes sale of old Municipal Light Plant property. |
C-78 | 6-10-1949 | Purchase of 3.40 acres, being part of Section 25 in Deerfield Township, from Arthur H. and Grace D. Sharon for disposal of garbage and refuse. |
Res. D-33 | 6-23-1952 | Accepts deed to 1.38 acres from Ohio Homes, Inc. for sewage treatment plant in Mason Meadows Subdivision, First Addition. |
Res. D-92 | 10-29-1956 | Authorizes option to purchase land for a well drilling site on the Landen-Sigg property fronting on Hamilton-Mason Road. |
E-71 | 4-27-1959 | Appropriates two parcels for sewage treatment plant, both being part of Section 25, Deerfield Township; one parcel of 1.882 acres, part of a 48.30 acre tract owned by Frank M. Bowyer; one parcel of 8.133 acres, part of a 10.051 acre tract owned by Don S. and Dale R. Bowyer. |
Res. F-13 | 9-6-1960 | Repeals Ord. E-71. |
H-81 | 12-23-1966 | Authorizes purchase from Muriel Hendricks and part of Lot 26 fronting approximately 52 feet on Main Street and 11 feet on East Street. |
13-1968 | 5-13-1968 | Accepts deed to parcel of 1.24 acres, adjacent to property rezoned by Ord. 13-1968, from Fred and Nethel Emily for park and recreational purposes. |
8-1969 | 1-27-1969 | Authorizes option to purchase the Clyde G. Erbeck property at northwest corner of North Section Avenue and Main Street for improvement of the intersection and creation of a municipal parking lot. |
18-1969 | 2-10-1969 | Amends Ord. 8-1969, authorizes purchase of the Clyde G. Erbeck property at northwest corner of North Section Avenue and Main Street for improvement of the intersection and creation of a municipal parking lot. |
Res. 8-1971 | 7-26-1971 | Sale of a 1.41 acre parcel, being part of northwest quarter of Section 35 in Deerfield Township, and no longer needed by the city to Joseph L. and Fannie B. Davis. |
6-1974 | 3-11-1974 | Authorizes purchase of approximately 3.7 acres from Clyde and Thelma Erbeck for extension of State Route 741 from U.S. Route 42 to Kings Mills Road. |
17-1974 | 4-8-1974 | Authorizes purchase from the John Mueller Co. of 32.372 acres for park and recreation purposes. |
19-1974 | 4-8-1974 | Authorizes purchase of two parcels, one of 2.542 acres and one of 1.145 acres, from Clyde and Thelma Erbeck for right-of-way and perpetual easement for extension of State Route 741 from U.S. Route 42 to Kings Mills Road. |
29-1974 | 6-24-1974 | Accepts from the Stearns and Foster Co. a gift of 4.161 acres of land. |
23-1976 | 2-23-1976 | Authorizes purchase of a parcel of 5.26087 acres adjoining present Mason well field and acquisition of easement rights over 16.51765 acres, all for expansion of the Mason well field. |
58-1976 | 6-14-1976 | Purchase of southwest corner of Route 42 and Mason-Montgomery Road. |
72-1977 | 10-10-1977 | Purchase of 210 through 214, 112, 116 and 200 Reading Road. |
34-1978 | 4-10-1978 | Appropriating Lot 72 being the Marlow property. |
68-1978 | 6-26-1978 | Purchase of Powell property at 105 N. East Street. |
144-1978 | 11-13-1978 | Purchase of Woods property at intersection of Western Row and Snider Roads. |
16-1979 | 2-26-1979 | Purchase of right-of-way for expansion at Kings Mills Road and Route 42. |
8-1982 | 1-25-1982 | Appropriation of property for the improvement of the intersection of U.S. Route 42 and Mason- Montgomery Road. |
74-1982 | 9-13-1982 | Appropriation of certain parcels of property for highway purposes. |
31-1983 | 3-28-1983 | Appropriation of certain property for the sewer improvement. |
101-1984 | 10-29-1984 | Accepts deed from Kings Mills Farms, Inc. for 3.875 acres to be known as Water Park Drive and Beach Boulevard. |
42-1985 | 6-24-1985 | Amends Ord. 32-1985 to purchase fee simple title to 0.5739 acres from Stearns and Foster to install a railroad line to the city garage property. |
80-1985 | 10-28-1985 | Purchase of Pine Hill Lakes property from U.S. Steel. |
87-134 | 10-26-1987 | Purchase of two acres on Socialville-Foster Road from Fox for construction of water tower. |
88-128 | 10-10-1988 | Repeals Ord. 88-76; authorizes purchase for city park entrance from Mason Local School District. |
89-21 | 2-13-1989 | Authorizes sale or transfer of land at 308 W. Main Street to Samuel G. Muennich. |
89-46 | 4-10-1989 | Authorizes city to purchase 0.2036 acres of land at U.S. Route 42 and State Route 741 from Henry and Gertrude Barnes. |
92-19 | 2-24-1992 | Purchase of 39.582 acres from Shakerland Farms for a well field. |
92-80 | 8-10-1992 | Purchase approximately eight acres from USX. |
92-97 | 9-28-1992 | Purchase approximately 19.864 acres from Albert and Gertrude Barnes. |
92-112 | 9-28-1992 | Purchase approximately 1.211 acres from TFC, Inc. |
93-106 | 10-11-1993 | Purchase from Cheryl Chunte for future expansion of city sewer treatment facility. |
94-87 | 8-8-1994 | Appropriation of property for Socialville-Foster Road Waterline Improvement Project. |
95-150 | 12-11-1995 | Purchase of 36.975 acres from John Mueller Co. for a park. |
95-151 | 12-11-1995 | Purchase of 6.228 acres from Leah Cowan for expansion of Heritage Oak Park. |
97-10 | 1-27-1997 | Acquisition from J.G. Hancock Ltd. for State Route 741 widening project. |
97-66 | 5-12-1997 | Authorizes contract for purchase of water and acquisition of land to use water supply. |
98-120 | 8-24-1998 | Authorizes acquisition of 73.834 acres from B.J. Wester Kam and E.M. Nett. |
98-127 | 9-14-1998 | Authorizes acquisition of 2.70 acres from Small Brothers Partnership. |
99-36 | 2-8-1999 | Authorizing the City Manager to acquire property from Sharon Sue Tebelman. |
99-157 | 10-11-1999 | Authorizes the acquisition of 105.499 acres from Northeast Associates. |
99-165 | 10-11-1999 | Exchange of approximately 21.232 acres with Betty Jane Westerkamm. |
99-194 | 11-22-1999 | Appropriation of property described in Exhibit A. (Tylersville Road Widening - Brookstone Homeowners Association). |
99-195 | 11-22-1999 | Appropriation of property described in Exhibit A. (Tylersville Road Widening - Brookstone Homeowners Association). |
99-196 | 11-22-1999 | Appropriation of property described in Exhibit A. (Tylersville Road Widening--Ertel). |
99-197 | 11-22-1999 | Appropriation of property described in Exhibit A. (Tylersville Road Widening--McGary). |
99-198 | 11-22-1999 | Appropriation of property described in Exhibit A. (Tylersville Road Widening--Stephenson/Walker). |
99-199 | 11-22-1999 | Appropriation of property described in Exhibit A. (Tylersville Road Widening--Stephenson/Walker). |
99-200 | 11-22-1999 | Appropriation of property described in Exhibit A. (Tylersville Road Widening--Stephenson). |
99-201 | 11-22-1999 | Authorizes the acquisition of 6.256 acres at 6891 Mason Road from Roger and Janet Hoskins. |
99-220 | 12-13-1999 | Authorizes the purchase of property at 690 Mason- Montgomery Road from David and Karen South. |
2000-44 | 4-10-2000 | Authorizes the purchase of property at 600 Mason- Montgomery Road from Kenneth and Margaret Chappell. |
2000-55 | 4-24-2000 | Authorizes the purchase of property at 534 Mason- Montgomery Road from Mildred and David Smith and Gloria Jean Migal. |
2000-59 | 5-8-2000 | Authorizes the purchase of property at 640 Mason- Montgomery Road from William and June Trice. |
2000-66 | 5-22-2000 | Authorizes the purchase of property at 548 Mason- Montgomery Road from Stephen and Ruth Suess. |
2000-109 | 8-14-2000 | Authorizes the purchase of property at 610 S. Mason-Montgomery Road from Rosalie Fields. |
2000-122 | 8-28-2000 | Authorizes the purchase of property at 576 S. Mason-Montgomery Road from Deana Davis. |
2000-166 | 10-23-2000 | Appropriation of property (Mason-Montgomery Road Widening - Chace). |
2000-171 | 11-13-2000 | Authorizes the purchase of property at 620 Mason- Montgomery Road from Joseph and Alta Lassen. |
2000-172 | 11-13-2000 | Authorizes the purchase of property located at 526 Mason-Montgomery Road from Robert and Marian Chace. |
2000-207 | 12-11-2000 | Authorizes the purchase of property located at 102 W. North Street from Peter and Lynette Ashland. |
2000-208 | 12-11-2000 | Authorizes the purchase of property located at 560 Mason-Montgomery Road from Dave and Diane Beatty. |
2000-209 | 12-11-2000 | Authorizes the purchase of property located at 660 Mason-Montgomery Road from Earl Bowen. |
2001-57 | 4-9-2001 | Appropriation of properties for the Mason- Montgomery Road widening project. (Repealed by Ord. 2001-86.) |
2001-58 | 4-9-2001 | Appropriation of properties for the Mason- Montgomery Road widening project. |
2001-59 | 4-9-2001 | Appropriation of properties for the Mason- Montgomery Road project. |
2001-68 | 4-23-2001 | Appropriation of properties for the Mason- Montgomery Road project. (Repealed by Ord. 2001-88.) |
2001-69 | 4-23-2001 | Appropriation of properties for the Mason- Montgomery Road project. (Repealed by Ord. 2001-87.) |
2001-70 | 4-23-2001 | Appropriation of properties for the Mason- Montgomery Road project. |
2001-84 | 5-14-2001 | Authorizes purchase of property located at 129 Mason-Montgomery Road from Hubert Harrell and Janet V. Harrell. |
2001-85 | 5-14-2001 | Appropriation of properties for the Mason- Montgomery Road widening project. |
2001-86 | 5-14-2001 | Repealing Ord. 2001-57 and appropriation of properties for the Mason-Montgomery Road widening project. |
2001-87 | 5-14-2001 | Repealing Ord. 2001-69 and appropriation of properties for the Mason-Montgomery Road widening project. |
2001-88 | 5-14-2001 | Repealing Ord. 2001-68 and appropriation of properties for the Mason-Montgomery Road widening project. |
2001-89 | 5-14-2001 | Appropriation of properties for the Mason- Montgomery Road widening project. |
2001-91 | 5-14-2001 | Authorizes purchase of 120 acres from Lyle Castle. |
2001-120 | 6-25-2001 | Authorizes lease-purchase financing of city administration building. |
2001-132 | 7-23-2001 | Authorizes purchase of 102 acres from Adolph F. Biehle and Beverly O. Biehle. |
2001-188 | 11-12-2001 | Authorizes purchase of property located adjacent to 204 Kings Mills Road from Christopher G. Bartlett. |
2002-73 | 4-22-2002 | Authorizes purchase of property located at 113 South Mason-Montgomery Road from James E. Dapp and Beth Dapp. |
2002-125 | 8-26-2002 | Authorizes purchase of property located at 106 N. Section Street and 100 E. Main Street from Reber Auto Body and Repair. |
2002-126 | 8-26-2002 | Acquisition of property located at 133 S. Mason- Montgomery Road from Theodore J. Honerlaw and Tonya G. Honerlaw. |
2003-17 | 1-27-2003 | Acquisition of property located at 136 S. Mason- Montgomery Road from John J. and Linda S. Favron. |
2003-40 | 4-14-2003 | Authorizes purchase of property located at 201 Kings Mills Road from Michael R. and Nancy E. Mink. |
2003-42 | 4-14-2003 | Acquisition of property located at 145 S. Mason- Montgomery Road from Thomas J. Winters and Erin M. Winters. |
2003-43 | 4-14-2003 | Acquisition of property located at 4933 Laurelwood Court from John L. Taylor and Jo Ann Taylor. |
2003-58 | 5-12-2003 | Acquisition of property located at 4976 Laurelwood Court from N.J. Policicchio and Denise Beauchamp. |
2003-61 | 5-28-2003 | Acquisition of property located on Mason- Montgomery Road from Katherine, William A. and Lisa Richardson. |
2003-85 | 7-14-2003 | Authorizes purchase of 1.56 acres located on the east side of U.S. Route 42, across the street, south of Opportunity Place, from Jack B. Nixon. |
2003-91 | 7-28-2003 | Acquisition of rights-of-way for the proposed bike path on Ronald and Donna Barrett property at 207 Kings Mills Road. |
2003-107 | 9-8-2003 | Authorizes purchase of property located at 100 W. Church Street from Kevin A Lapthorn and Janet L. Lapthorn. |
2003-110 | 9-22-2003 | Authorizes purchase of property located at U.S. Route 42 at Hanover Drive from Boris Berger. |
2003-130 | 11-10-2003 | Authorizes purchase of property located at 5475 Mason Road from Eleanor M. Gould. |
2004-09 | 1-26-2004 | Authorizes purchase with Royalmont Academy, Inc. for the acquisition of property located at 723 Western Row Road. |
2004-13 | 2-9-2004 | Authorizes purchase with the Mason Masonic Temple Association Incorporated for the acquisition of property located at 73 Western Row Road. |
2004-58 | 5-10-2004 | Authorizes sale of the city’s former municipal building property at 202 W. Main Street, and 109 N. East Street to Hifive Development, Inc. with buyer’s redevelopment commitments. |
2004-77 | 6-14-2004 | Authorizes sale of the city’s property at 100 West Church Street to Janet Million. |
2004-80 | 6-28-2004 | Authorizes acquisition of a portion of the property located at 6004 Western Row Road from A.J. Enterprises for right-of-way. |
2004-84 | 7-12-2004 | Authorizes purchase from the State of Ohio of property in Warren County as fully described in Substitute House Bill 269 of the 125th General Assembly. |
2004-86 | 7-12-2004 | Amending Ord. 2004-58 to authorize sale of the city’s former municipal building property at 202 W. Main Street, and 109 N. East Street to Art Deco Preservations, LLC with buyer’s redevelopment commitments. |
2004-99 | 7-26-2004 | Authorizes purchase with Marathon Ashland Petroleum, LLC, for the acquisition of property located at 101 Reading Road. |
2004-118 | 9-13-2004 | Authorizes purchase with John P. Gibson, trustee, for the acquisition of property located at 595 Western Row Road. |
2004-128 | 10-25-2004 | Authorizes purchase with Cambridge Investments, for the acquisition of property located at 1100 Snider Road. |
2004-147 | 12-13-2004 | Authorizes purchase with McNk Properties, LLC for the acquisition of property adjacent to the State of Ohio property located on U.S. Route 42. |
2004-148 | 12-13-2004 | Authorizes purchase with Mason Developmental Resources, Inc., f/k/a Connie D., Inc., for the acquisition of property located at 740 Snider Road. |
2004-149 | 12-13-2004 | Authorizes purchase with Steve and Carol Ann Boymel for the acquisition of property located at 780 Snider Road. |
2004-153 | 12-13-2004 | Authorizes purchase with Carolyn K. Huff for the acquisition of property located at 644 Lindemann Lane. |
2005-27 | 3-14-2005 | Authorizes purchase with Siderits Family Limited Partnership for the acquisition of property located at 211 W. Main Street. |
2005-33 | 3-28-2005 | Authorizes purchase with Lawrence E. and Mary Janet Klasmeier for the acquisition of property located on Snider Road, Parcel No. 16-35-151-012. |
2005-34 | 3-28-2005 | Authorizes purchase with David Family Limited Partnership for the acquisition of property located at 800 Reading Road. |
2005-41 | 4-11-2005 | Authorizes purchase with Barr’s Furniture and Beverly A. Barr for the acquisition of property located at the southwest corner of Snider Road and U.S. Route 42. |
2005-86 | 7-11-2005 | Authorizes a petition for appropriation of property necessary for the Snider Road Realignment Project, determining public exigency (Mason Developmental Resources, Inc.) |
2005-152 | 11-28-2005 | Authorizes purchase with Ronald W. and Donna L. Barrett for the acquisition of property located at 207 Kings Mills Road. |
2005-153 | 11-28-2005 | Authorizes purchase with the County Commissioners for right-of-way for the future extension of Wilkins Boulevard and to construct the extension at county expense. |
2005-162 | 12-12-2005 | Authorizes purchase with Basco Manufacturing Company for the acquisition of property and easements located at 7201 Snider Road. |
2006-19 | 2-13-2006 | Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract to purchase with Edward Wayne Greene for the acquisition of property and easements located at 4703 Socialville-Fosters Road. |
2006-62 | 6-12-2006 | Authorizing the City Manager to accept the conveyance of Lot 7, Tylersville Crossing subdivision. |
2006-70 | 6-12-2006 | Authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract to purchase 142.3373 acres of State Route 741 known as White Oak Farms/Davidson property. |
2006-72 | 6-26-2006 | Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement of purchase and sale for the purchase of the golf center at Kings Island from Grizzly Golf Center, Inc. for $9,000,000, including approximately 209 acres and all facilities. |
2006-112 | 9-11-2006 | Authorizing an addendum to the agreement of purchase and sale for the purchase of the Golf Center at Kings Island from Grizzly Golf Center, Inc. (amending Ord. 2006-72). |
2006-170 | 11-27-2006 | Authorizing the City Manager to execute a second addendum to the agreement of purchase and sale for the purchase of the Golf Center at Kings Island from Grizzly Golf Center, Inc. |
2006-182 | 12-11-2006 | Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract for sale and purchase of Real Property with Phillip R. Carson and Loudonna Marsh Carson for an amount not to exceed $325,000. |
2006-183 | 12-11-2006 | Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract for sale and purchase of real property with Richard D. Hadley and Janet K. Hadley for an amount not to exceed $360,000. |
2006-184 | 12-11-2006 | Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract for sale and purchase of real property with estate of David Lutes, Janice Walker, Co- executrix and Paula Hummell, co-executrix for an amount not to exceed $162,750. |
2006-185 | 12-11-2006 | Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract for purchase and sale of property with Kingsway Community Church for an amount not to exceed $24,700. |
2007-11 | 1-8-2007 | Authoring the City Manager to execute the third addendum to the agreement of purchase and sale for the purchase of the Golf Center at Kings Island from Grizzly Golf Center, Inc. |
2007-29 | 2-26-2007 | Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract for the acquisition of property located at 229 Mason-Montgomery Road with Jack M. Yost, Jr. and Teresa L. Yost. |
2007-46 | 3-26-2007 | Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract for the acquisition of property located at 226 Mason-Montgomery Road with Clarence A. Cowan III and Ava Jean Cowan. |
2007-48 | 3-23-2007 | Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract for the acquisition of property located at 224 Mason-Montgomery Road with U.S. Bank Home Mortgage. |
2007-49 | 3-23-2007 | Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract for the acquisition of property located at 222 Mason-Montgomery Road with Thomas R. Sies and Charlene F. Sies. |
2007-50 | 3-23-2007 | Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract for the acquisition of property located at 218 Mason-Montgomery Road with Douglas L. Holderbaum and Nancy Holderbaum. |
2007-51 | 3-23-2007 | Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract for the acquisition of property located at 108 and 112 Mason-Montgomery Road with Betty J. Childers. |
2007-52 | 3-26-2007 | Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract for the acquisition of property located at 212 Mason-Montgomery Road with Trent E. Heimann and Lisa A. Heimann. |
2007-54 | 5-8-2007 | Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract to purchase with George, Robert and Donald Eberhard for the acquisition of property and easements located at 4753 Socialville-Fosters Road, Mason, Ohio. |
2007-60 | 4-9-2007 | Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract for the acquisition of property located at 200, 205, 206, 207 and 210 Mason-Montgomery Road with Don S. Bowyer. |
2007-61 | 4-23-2007 | Approval of the replat for Lots 10, 11, 16 and 17 in Falling Brook Phase A. |
2007-72 | 5-21-2007 | Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract for the acquisition of property located at 216 Mason-Montgomery Road with Bobby Jerry Glass. |
2007-91 | 6-18-2007 | Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract, in an amount not to exceed $500, for the acquisition of property located at 209 Mason- Montgomery Road with Mason Grange No. 1680. |
2007-118 | 8-13-2007 | Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract to sell city property at 500 David Lane to Daniel and Jody Thieken. |
2007-135 | 9-24-2007 | Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract for the acquisition of property located at 216 Mason-Montgomery Road, N. Section Street and E. Main Street, with Bobby Jerry Glass, for an amount not to exceed $339,100. |
2007-137 | 9-24-2007 | Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract sell the city’s property at 500 David Lane to Robert and Sandra Springer. |
2007-160 | 11-12-2007 | Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract for sale and purchase of real property with Roseann and Daniel Costello for an amount not to exceed $145,000. |
2007-164 | 11-26-2007 | Accepting the dedication of a right-of-way and easement and authorizing the execution of a deed for property for the Western Row Road improvement project (Miller, 460 Western Row Road). |
2007-165 | 11-26-2007 | Accepting the dedication of a right-of-way and easements and authorizing the execution of a deed for property for the Western Row Road improvement project (Wheeler, 348 Western Row Road). |
2007-168 | 11-26-2007 | Accepting dedication of right-of-way and easements and authorizing the execution of a deed for the Western Row Road improvement project (Hope Evangelical Free Church, 4934 Western Row Road). |
2007-170 | 11-26-2007 | Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract for the acquisition of property as part of the Western Row Road improvement project in an amount not to exceed $19,350 (Mason Fields HOA). |
2007-171 | 11-26-2007 | Accepting the donation of Lot 126 of Hickory Woods, Section 3, Block B to the city. |
2008-01 | 1-14-2008 | Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract for the acquisition of property as part of the Western Row Road improvement project in an amount not to exceed $ 24,800 (Village Lakes HOA). |
2008-19 | 2-11-2008 | Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract to purchase with Jannelle K. Schoonover and Byron D. Swab for the acquisition of property located at 115 South East Street for $134,000 (SWAB). |
2008-76 | 6-8-2008 | Authorizing the City Manager to negotiate the terms of an agreement or agreements for the acquisition of five acres of certain real property located in the city (Lakewood Commerce Center). |
2008-80 | 7-14-2008 | Authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement for the acquisition of five acres of certain real property located in the city (Lakewood Commerce Center). |
2008-99 | 9-8-2008 | Authorizing the renaming of a five-acre tract containing house and barns to Kathlen Bevan Castle Park to adhere to the condition of the contract to sell executed between Lyle Castle and the city dated 5-18-2001 contained in Ord. 2001-91. |
2009-13 | 2-23-2009 | Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract to purchase with Green Valley Apartments, LLC, and JRM Ventures, LLC, for the acquisition of a portion of property located at 4800 Route 42 for $60,000. |
2009-71 | 7-13-2009 | Accepting the donation of Lot 1 of the Mason Middle School PUD to the city. |
2009-98 | 8-17-2009 | Authorizing the City Manager to enter into any necessary agreements with and purchase certain property from Homemade Dreams Coffee House, LLC. |
2010-7 | 1-11-2010 | Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract to purchase with the estate of Mary E. Snider, Jacqueline Nelson, executor, for the acquisition of property located at 106 South East Street. |
2010-130 | 11-22-2010 | Authorizing the City Law Director to file petitions for appropriation of properties necessary for the U.S. 42 (Reading Road) improvement project, determining public exigency and declaring an emergency (AZIZ). |
2010-131 | 11-22-2010 | Authorizing the City Law Director to file petitions for appropriation of properties necessary for the U.S. 42 (Reading Road) improvement project, determining public exigency and declaring an emergency (BARR). |
2010-132 | 11-22-2010 | Authorizing the City Law Director to file petitions for appropriation of properties necessary for the U.S. 42 (Reading Road) improvement project, determining public exigency and declaring an emergency (BENSON). |
2010-133 | 11-22-2010 | Authorizing the City Law Director to file petitions for appropriation of properties necessary for the U.S. 42 (Reading Road) improvement project, determining public exigency and declaring an emergency (David Family LTD. partnership - Walgreens property). |
2010-134 | 11-22-2010 | Authorizing the City Law Director to file petitions for appropriation of properties necessary for the U.S. 42 (Reading Road) improvement project, determining public exigency and declaring an emergency (David Family LTD. partnership - Walgreens property). |
2010-135 | 11-22-2010 | Authorizing the City Law Director to file petitions for appropriation of properties necessary for the U.S. 42 (Reading Road) improvement project, determining public exigency and declaring an emergency (First Baptist Church). |
2010-136 | 11-22-2010 | Authorizing the City Law Director to file petitions for appropriation of properties necessary for the U.S. 42 (Reading Road) improvement project, determining public exigency and declaring an emergency (Jarvis Properties). |
2010-137 | 11-22-2010 | Authorizing the City Law Director to file petitions for appropriation of properties necessary for the U.S. 42 (Reading Road) improvement project, determining public exigency and declaring an emergency (Jeffery). |
2010-138 | 11-22-2010 | Authorizing the City Law Director to file petitions for appropriation of properties necessary for the U.S. 42 (Reading Road) improvement project, determining public exigency and declaring an emergency (Klasmeier). |
2010-139 | 11-22-2010 | Authorizing the City Law Director to file petitions for appropriation of properties necessary for the U.S. 42 (Reading Road) improvement project, determining public exigency and declaring an emergency (Lamping). |
2010-140 | 11-22-2010 | Authorizing the City Law Director to file petitions for appropriation of properties necessary for the U.S. 42 (Reading Road) improvement project, determining public exigency and declaring an emergency (Mason Crossing, LLC). |
2010-141 | 11-22-2010 | Authorizing the City Law Director to file petitions for appropriation of properties necessary for the U.S. 42 (Reading Road) improvement project, determining public exigency and declaring an emergency (Shroder). |
2010-142 | 11-22-2010 | Authorizing the City Law Director to file petitions for appropriation of properties necessary for the U.S. 42 (Reading Road) improvement project, determining public exigency and declaring an emergency (Stallcup). |
2010-143 | 11-22-2010 | Authorizing the City Law Director to file petitions for appropriation of properties necessary for the U.S. 42 (Reading Road) improvement project, determining public exigency and declaring an emergency (Trammel). |
2011-50 | 5-9-2011 | Authorizing the City Manager to convey the real property located at the southwest corner of Sidwell 15054030050 on Reading Road, approximately 1.2 acres, to the Mason Port Authority. |
2011-51 | 5-9-2011 | Authorizing the City Manager to acquire approximately 3.4 acres of property at a price not to exceed $120,000. |
2011-63 | 6-13-2011 | Authorizing the City Manager to acquire the real property located at 204 Kings Mills Road. |
2011-38 | 7-11-2011 | Authorizing the City Manager to acquire approximately 3.4 acres of property at a price not to exceed $130,000 (S.R. 741 property). |
2012-78 | 11-26-2012 | Authorizing the City Manager to exercise the right to repurchase a certain parcel from Baeolophus (Seapine Software), located off Western Row Road. |
2013-66 | 7-8-2013 | Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract for sale and purchase and an offer to sell real property with K.P. Properties of Ohio in an amount not to exceed $2,300,000 and to pursue design and construction contracts in an amount not to exceed $2,700,000 related to the municipal garage project. |
2013-77 | 9-9-2013 | Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract for sale and purchase with Robert L. Turner and Carol Turner, in an amount not to exceed $60,000.00. |
2013-82 | 10-14-2013 | Authorizing the City Manager to execute a mutual termination agreement in the form of the agreement attached to Ord. 2013-82. |
2013-114 | 12-9-2013 | Authorizing the City Manager to acquire approximately 3.2 acres of real property at a price not to exceed $1,100.00 (former Weatherstone Property). |
2013-115 | 12-9-2013 | Authorizing the City Manager to execute a letter of intent and to negotiate a related purchase agreement related to the sale of approximately nine acres on Innovation Way. |
2014-29 | 4-28-2014 | Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract for sale and purchase with AtriCure, Inc., related to approximately 10.5 acres of land, and authorizing certain economic development incentives. |
2014-39 | 5-12-2014 | Authorizing the City Manager to negotiate the terms of a purchase and sale agreement with Properties of Terra Firma, Inc., related to approximately 178 acres of real property. |
2014-62 | 7-14-2014 | Authorizing a property swap with Deerfield Township. |
2014-97 | 10-13-2014 | Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract to purchase real estate with Dennis Bogan Main Street Properties, LLC. |
2014-120 | 11-24-2014 | Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a purchase and sale agreement with Briarlake Limited II, related to approximately 7.9 acres of real property. |
2014-137 | 12-15-2014 | Authorizing the City Manager to acquire approximately 6 acres of real property at a price not to exceed $91,000 (former Weatherstone Property). |
2015-21 | 2-9-2015 | Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract for sale and purchase with 360 Pharma Group, LLC, related to not to exceed 50 acres of land, and authorizing certain economic development incentives. |
2015-118 | 11-23-2015 | Authorizing the City Manager to execute certain donation letters, deeds, easements, and other conveyance documents for property related to the Western Row Road Interchange Project. |
2016-34 | 2-22-2016 | Authorizing the City Manager to negotiate the terms of a purchase and sale agreement with Bernice Stephenson related to approximately 33.5 acres of real property. |
2016-68 | 4-25-2016 | Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a land installment contract with Bernice C. Stephenson and Richard Alan Walker related to approximately 33.5 acres of real property. |
2017-116 | 9-11-2017 | Accepting the donation of approximately 1.2 acres of land on the east side of U.S. Route 42, just north of Opportunity Place, to the city. |
2017-140 | 11-13-2017 | Accepting the donation of approximately 0.3902 acres of land on the east side of Interstate 71, just south of Kings Mills Road, to the city. |
2018-60 | 4-23-2018 | Sale and purchase with Never Land Holdings I LLC related to approximately 2.04 acres of real property at a purchase price of $225,000. |
2018-97 | 8-20-2018 | Transfer of property from the Warren County Board of County Commissioners to the City of Mason for Common Ground Playground Project. |
2019-100 | 9-9-2019 | Accepting the donation of approximately 2.85 acres of land on the east side of Innovation Way to the City of Mason. |
2019-107 | 9-9-2019 | Sale and purchase with Mored 1, LLC and Rhinestall Corporation related to approximately +/- 50 acres of land, located in the area known as the Mason R&D Park West. |
2019-152 | 12-9-2019 | Sale and purchase related to certain land located in the Mason R&D Park East on U.S. 42 at or near Ambleside. |
2020-4 | 1-13-2020 | Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract for sale and purchase with AM Baden Manufacturing, LLC and Vega Americas, Inc. and authorizing certain economic development incentives. |
2020-87 | 9-28-2020 | Authorizing the City Law Director to file a petition for appropriation of property necessary for the S.R. 741 Widening Project (Sandra L. Eves). |
2020-88 | 9-28-2020 | Authorizing the City Law Director to file a petition for appropriation of property necessary for the S.R. 741 Widening Project (GBVS Ohio Holdings I, LLC). |
2020-89 | 9-28-2020 | Authorizing the City Law Director to file a petition for appropriation of property necessary for the S.R. 741 Widening Project (PS Mid-West Two-Mason, LLC). |
2020-94 | 9-28-2020 | Accepting the transfer of land from T.E.J. Holdings, Inc. to the city for $1 and authorizing the City Manager to execute contract documents. |
2021-57 | 4-12-2021 | Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract for sale and purchase with A&M S, LLC (Schappacher Property). |
2021-58 | 4-12-2021 | Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract for the sale and purchase with Promark Development, Inc.; Tri-State Landscape Supply, Inc.; and Michael Jason Brunk (Brunk Property). |
2021-67 | 6-14-2021 | Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract for sale and purchase with Mesa Properties, LLC. |
2021-75 | 7-12-2021 | Authorizing the City Law Director to file a petition for appropriation of property necessary for the U.S. 42 Roundabouts Project (State Route 42 Mason, LLC and ICP State Route 42, LLC). |
2021-76 | 7-12-2021 | Authorizing the City Law Director to file a petition for appropriation of property necessary for the U.S. 42 Roundabouts Project (Sandra L. Eves). |
2021-111 | 10-25-2021 | Authorizing the City Manager to execute a purchase and sale agreement and an economic participation agreement related to the purchase of approximately 27 acres of the former Western Row Golf Course. |
2021-112 | 11-8-2021 | Amending Ordinance 2021-111 regarding a purchase and sale agreement and a related economic participation agreement related to approximately 27 acres of the former Western Row Golf Course. |
Res. 2022-19 | 8-8-2022 | Appropriating property for the SR 741 Improvement Project from Cox-Smith Road to Spyglass Hill (Sandeep Basu and Preeti Basu). |
2022-95 | 9-20-2022 | Authorizing the City Law Director to file a petition for appropriation of property necessary for the SR 741 Widening Project (Sandeep Basu and Preeti Basu). |
2023-58 | 6-12-2023 | Accepting the donation of approximately 0.15 acres of land on the east side of Western Row Road, just south of Stitt Road, parcel number 16294000300, being all of Lot 3 in the Renner Farm Subdivision. |