Approval of a ZC relating to the Downtown Overlay District may be revoked by the Commission if new construction or alterations are not in conformance with the approved plans. In such a case, staff shall place the ZC on the agenda of the Commission for consideration, and give written notice mailed by regular or electronic mail to the applicant at least ten days prior to the meeting. The applicant shall be given the opportunity to present information to the Commission and answer questions. The Commission may revoke the approval of the ZC if it finds that a violation exists and has not been remedied prior to the meeting. No work requiring ZC approval may commence or continue after a ZC revocation is instituted by the Commission. The applicant shall thereafter reapply for a ZC approval before work may recommence.
(Ord. 2005-136, passed 11-28-2005; Ord. 2014-3, passed 2-10-2014)