The Zoning Administrator or his or her authorized agents may order in writing the remedying of a condition found in violation of this chapter within a reasonable time, or immediately in the case of imminent danger to life and property, or if the order requires a cessation of use, the order may include an order to vacate the premises or to remove any building or structure as a sole exception or alternative method of remedying the condition. The order shall be served upon the applicant for the zoning certificate, his or her agent, a person performing work on the premises, or the occupant of the building or portion thereof personally, or by certified mail, or by posting a copy of same at a conspicuous place on the premises.
(Ord. 98-104, passed 9-14-1998)
Enforcement by issuance of any order is not an exclusive method of enforcement and shall not be construed as a condition precedent to or a waiver of:
(a) Citation, summons, arrest, prosecution or sentencing for any violation or violations of this chapter, including violations for which proof of the condition to be remedied by the order constitutes an element or a portion of an element of an offense;
(b) Civil actions at law or equity, including temporary restraining orders, preliminary injunctions and permanent injunctions;
(c) Refusal of occupancy permit for the premises on which the condition exists; and
(d) Any enforcement procedure or measure available to the city under this chapter, other ordinances of the city or state laws.
(Ord. 98-104, passed 9-14-1998)
(a) Any person, firm or corporation, violating any of the provisions of this Zoning Ordinance or any amendment or supplement thereto, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined as set forth in the fee schedule in Part One - Title Eleven, Chapter 205 of these codified ordinances. The amount of the fine shall be as set by ordinance from time to time. Each and every day during which the illegal location, erection, construction, reconstruction, enlargement, change, maintenance or use continues beyond the expiration of the time designated in a written notice given by the Zoning Administrator, shall be deemed a separate offense.
(b) Any person, firm or corporation failing to comply with a lawful order of the Zoning Administrator shall be deemed guilty of a minor misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined as set forth in the fee schedule in Part One - Title Eleven, Chapter 205 of these codified ordinances. The amount of the fine shall be as set by ordinance from time to time.
(Ord. 98-104, passed 9-14-1998)