(a)   Pre-application meeting. The subdivider should meet with the City Engineer, then informally with Planning Commission prior to the submission of the preliminary plat. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss, early and informally, the purpose and effect of these regulations and the criteria and standards contained herein. The meeting is designed to familiarize the subdivider with the Comprehensive Development Plan; the Thoroughfare Plan; access management regulations; other relevant plans; applicable zoning standards; present and proposed drainage, sewerage and water systems for the city; and to determine the need for a traffic impact study, based upon the level of impact of this development upon surrounding traffic flow and safety.
   (b)   Concept plan. The following information shall be included on a concept plan submitted by the subdivider to be discussed at the pre-application meeting and subsequently presented to the Planning Commission:
      (1)   The proposed subdivision in relation to existing community facilities, thoroughfares, residential developments, zoning districts and existing natural and man-made features, such as soil types, vegetation, flood-prone areas and utilities in neighboring areas;
      (2)   The layout and acreage of streets and any nonresidential sites, such as commercial, industrial, educational or recreational uses within the proposed subdivision;
      (3)   Identification of the site’s adjacent streets by Functional Roadway Classifications and Access Level from Maps 1115.02 and 1115.03;
      (4)   All proposed locations for access to the site;
      (5)   Access points within 300 feet of the property on all roadways adjacent to the property;
      (6)   Estimate of traffic volumes to be generated by the proposed land-use;
      (7)   A.   The proposed location of utilities in the subdivision, if available, or the locations of the nearest sources of water and public facilities for the disposal of sewage and stormwater; and
         B.   In areas where the utilities are not available, the proposed method of providing these facilities shall be stated and outlined.
      (8)   The names, addresses and telephone numbers of the owners; subdividers; and engineers preparing the plan; and
      (9)   The title and scale of the subdivision, a north arrow and the date.
   (c)   Submission of preliminary plat to Planning Commission. If, during the pre-application meeting or at later date, it is determined that the proposed subdivision is feasible and acceptable from these standpoints, or if the subdivider chooses not to request a pre-application meeting or submit a concept plan to the Planning Commission, the preparation of a preliminary plat for submission to the Planning Commission for formal consideration can occur. No comments or statements made during a pre-application meeting or presentation of a concept plan to Planning Commission or any of its members shall be construed as a final acceptance of the preliminary plat until the formal approval of the Planning Commission and City Council is granted.
   (d)   Fees. Typically, a fee is not charged to the subdivider for a pre-application meeting; however, the subdivider shall reimburse the city for costs incurred by the city for a consultant to review the concept plan. Payment of the review fees shall be required on or before the date on which the preliminary plat fee is submitted.
(Ord. 99-207, passed 1-10-2000)
   Fee schedule, see § 205.01