(a) Basis of charge. The tap-in charge is based upon the cost of all material and labor required to make the installation from the service line to the proper line. This charge is to be paid at the time the sewer service is applied for based on the City Manager’s estimate of cost. Each building and each dwelling unit is to be serviced by a separate water meter and have a separate and independent connection to the public line. However, apartment complexes, industrial plants and commercial establishments that cannot be divided for sale may be serviced by fewer meters than the number of buildings and number of dwelling units.
(Ord. 90-85, passed 8-13-1990)
(b) Tap-in methods. The tap-in may be made in any one of the following two methods at the discretion of the property owner:
(1) Installation by property owner. The property owner may, after obtaining a tap-in permit, employ a bonded contractor to perform the installation. The water meter will be furnished by Greater Cincinnati Water Works (GCWW) at list price, and an inspection fee as established and set forth in the fee schedule in Part One - Title Eleven, Chapter 205 of these codified ordinances will be charged by the city. The amount of the fee shall be as set by ordinance from time to time. No backfill shall be made until the work has been inspected by the Public Utilities Director or his or her representative. If backfill has been performed before inspection, the line is to be uncovered at the property owner’s expense.
(2) Installation by city. The City Manager will employ a qualified contractor, not necessarily bonded, to perform the installation. The installation charge will be based upon the actual installation cost, including material, labor and equipment plus 5% to compensate the city for overhead costs plus an inspection fee as established and set forth in the fee schedule in Part One - Title Eleven, Chapter 205 of these codified ordinances. The amount of the fee shall be as set by ordinance from time to time. The meter will be furnished by the GCWW at list price.
(Ord. 99-58, passed 4-12-1999)
(c) Installation account.
(1) Funds received for installation of sewer taps are to be paid into a Sewer Tap Escrow Account. If the actual cost is less than the estimated cost, a refund will be made by the city to the affected party. If the cost is higher than estimated, the property owner will be notified of the additional amount to be paid. If this is not paid within two weeks, water service will be discontinued.
(2) Remaining funds in the escrow accounts will, at periodic intervals, be transferred by the Finance Director into their respective operating funds.
(Ord. 90-61, passed 5-14-1990)
Fee schedule, see § 205.01