For each day that the picnic, outing or entertainment is to be held, a fee shall accompany the application for the period. The fee shall be as established and set forth in the fee schedule in Part One - Title Eleven, Chapter 205 of these codified ordinances. The amount of the fee shall be as set by ordinance from time to time. In addition to the permit fee, an additional sum shall be paid to reimburse the City Manager for the cost of detailing special police officers to preserve the peace and good order at the picnic, outing or entertainment, if determined to be necessary by the Safety Director. These special police officers may be, subject to departmental regulations, any regular member of the Police Division who is off duty or any other suitable special police officers. This section shall not apply to any picnic, outing or entertainment given for the sole benefit of or for the city, or any church, school, civic or nonprofitable organization purposes with less than 200 people in attendance.
(Ord. 44-1978, passed 6-12-1978)
   Fee schedule, see § 205.01