(a)   Any person convicted of an offense, other than a minor misdemeanor, and who, as a consequence thereof, is confined at the expense of the city in any correctional facility, shall reimburse the city for its expenses incurred by reason of the confinement including, but not limited to, expenses relating to the provision of food, clothing, medical care and shelter. The amount of reimbursement shall be determined by a court pursuant to the provisions of R.C. § 2929.15.
   (b)   The Law Director is hereby authorized and directed to institute appropriate civil actions in the name of the city to recover from the convict reimbursement for the expenses incurred by the city for his or her confinement as determined by a court pursuant to the provisions of R.C. § 2929.15.
(Ord. 86-45, passed 4-28-1986)