(a) Permit required; bond and fee. No person shall conduct or participate in a street assemblage, parade or procession, other than a funeral procession, upon any street or highway without having first obtained a permit from the Chief of Police. Applications for permits shall be made on forms as the Chief shall prescribe, not less than five days before the time intended for the assemblages, parades or processions. The Chief of Police shall designate the places of gathering or formation and of dispersal of the assemblage, parade or procession, and the route of march or travel and the streets or highways which may be used or occupied therein. Except in the case of parades in which no animals, motor vehicles or automotive equipment are driven, the applicant shall furnish bond or indemnity insurance in a reasonable sum as the Chief of Police shall fix for the benefit of the municipality and of any private person, firm or corporation who shall be injured or damaged by the parade. The bond or insurance shall not be released as long as any claim shall remain undisposed of or unsatisfied. A fee be charged for each permit issued. The fee shall be as established and set forth in the fee schedule in Part One - Title Eleven, Chapter 205 of these codified ordinances. The amount of the fee shall be as set by ordinance from time to time.
(b) Breaking procession. No person shall drive between moving vehicles of a funeral or other authorized procession or parade, but the Chief of Police shall provide passage for cross traffic through the processions or parades, at major intersections, the intervals not exceeding ten minutes, or posted alternate routes shall be provided at cross traffic. For the purpose of this section, a MAJOR INTERSECTION is defined as an intersection at which the cross street bears traffic other than that normally generated by the properties abutting the cross street.
(c) Parking on parade route. The Chief of Police is hereby authorized to prohibit or restrict the parking of vehicles along a street or highway or part thereof constituting a part of the route of a parade or of a procession and to erect temporary signs to that effect. No person shall park or leave unattended any vehicle in violation of the signs.
(d) Demonstration on or near street or highway. No person shall, upon any sidewalk or upon any premises abutting thereon, make any speech or harangue or demonstrate, sell or offer for sale goods, wares or merchandise or display any signs, device, information or exhibition in consequence of which there is caused or created a gathering of persons on the sidewalk as to interfere with pedestrian traffic thereon.
(Ord. 21-1969, passed 2-23-1969)
Fee schedule, see § 205.01