For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
MANUFACTURED HOME or MOBILE HOME: | A factory-assembled, completely integrated structure designed for permanent habitation, with a permanent chassis and so constructed as to permit its transport, on wheels temporarily or permanently attached to its frame and is a moveable or portable unit that is constructed to be towed on its own chassis (comprised of frame and wheels) from the place of its construction to the location, or subsequent locations, at which it is connected to utilities for year-round occupancy for use as a permanent habitation and designed and situated so as to permit its occupancy as a dwelling place for one or more persons. The term shall include units containing parts that may be folded, collapsed or telescoped when being towed and that may be expected to provide additional cubic capacity and that are designed to be joined into one integral unit capable of being separated again into the components for repeated towing. The term excludes campers and recreational vehicles. The term excludes modular homes and their support systems. (Ord. 3839, 10-10-2022) |
A. Manufactured Home Park; Mobile Home Park; License And Permit Required: It is unlawful to establish or operate any manufactured home park or mobile home park within the corporate limits of the city without first having obtained a license therefor from the State Department of Public Health and a permit from the City Council with a copy of the State Department of Public Health license accompanied by a five hundred dollar ($500.00) fee payable to the city.
B. Manufactured Home; Mobile Home; License Required; Application For License; Fee: It is unlawful to establish, maintain or operate any new manufactured home or a mobile home in the city without first obtaining a permit with a fee of fifty dollars ($50.00). Application for a permit shall be made in writing to the Building and Code Office and shall contain the name of the applicant, the address in which the home is to be placed, and a copy of the state issued title. All manufactured homes and mobile homes must be habitable or being remodeled or under construction to make the home habitable and must be completed within ninety (90) days from inspection date and are subject to additional inspection fees. (Ord. 3839, 10-10-2022)
A. Use Of City Water And Sewers Mandatory: All manufactured homes and mobile homes that are located within the corporate limits of the city must be connected to the city water mains and to the city sewerage mains. No tap or connection shall be made to the city water main or water line until a license has been secured, as provided in section 10-11-2.
B. Placement Of Manufactured Home Or Mobile Home On Lot: No manufactured home and mobile home shall be located closer than ten feet (10') to the lot lines of abutting property and shall be located to conform with the existing setback line of the block. Where no setback line has been established, the trailer shall be located no closer than twenty feet (20') to the frontage line.
C. Parking Space: There shall be provided on each manufactured home or mobile home site two (2) off-street parking spaces, behind the building line, with access to street or alley.
D. Manufactured Homes And Mobile Homes Not For Storage Use: All manufactured homes and mobile homes must be habitable or being remodeled or under construction to make the home habitable. No manufactured home or mobile home may be put into use as a storage building. Any manufactured home or mobile home that is no longer habitable or being rendered habitable, shall be removed from the city limits within thirty (30) days of when the manufactured home or mobile home is deemed to be uninhabitable.
E. Age Requirement For Mobile Homes And Manufactured Homes:
1. No building permit may be issued for the placement of a mobile home or manufactured home in the city and no building permit may be issued to move a mobile home or manufactured home to another location within the city limits of the city if the mobile home or manufactured home was manufactured during a calendar year which was more than fifteen (15) years prior to the calendar year in which the permit is requested. In the event of a newer upgrade, the swapped out mobile home or manufactured home (one being replaced) is more than fifteen (15) years old the owner will be required to remove it from the city limits within thirty (30) days. Violators of this section will be subject to fines and penalties defined in section 10-11-4 of this chapter.
2. A copy of a mobile home or manufactured home title confirming the age of the manufactured home or mobile home is required to obtain the building permit. In addition to the title, a copy of the inspection from a state licensed inspector is required. All deficiencies found by the inspector must be repaired within ninety (90) days and then re-inspected to meet code requirements at the expense of the owner.
F. Foundation And Skirting: All newly installed manufactured homes and mobile homes foundation must be sufficient to follow the Mobile Home Tie Down Act (refer to subsection I). In addition, a front entry of a manufactured or mobile home shall be a minimum of four feet by five feet (4' x 5') with steps, hand rail and railings and the rear exit shall require steps with hand rails. Skirting or underpinning shall be installed around the exterior perimeter of a manufactured home or mobile home to enclose the underfloor area from the bottom of the unit to the ground. The skirting or underpinning shall be made of metal, vinyl or cinder blocks that is the same or similar color to the manufactured or mobile home. No straw, hay or particle board are permitted material for skirting or underpinning. The skirting or underpinning shall provide for under floor access and ventilation. Additionally, the tongue shall be removed.
G. Injunctive Relief: In addition to the penalties provided in section 10-11-4 for the violation of the rules and regulations, the city may seek an injunction in the County Circuit Court prohibiting violation of the rules and regulations of this chapter.
H. Certificate Of Title Required: All applicants for building permit to be issued by the city for placement of a manufactured home or mobile home within the city limits or to move a manufactured home or mobile home from one location to another location in the city limits must provide a copy of the certificate of title for the manufactured home or mobile home to the Building and Code Officer when making application for a required building permit. If a unit when manufactured was a manufactured home or mobile home, the unit will always be a manufactured home or mobile home for all rules and regulations of the city, regardless of any alterations or modifications of the unit.
I. Tie-Down Requirement: All manufactured homes or mobile homes which require tie downs must be tied down in accordance with state law as required by the Illinois Mobile Home Tie Down Act, being 210 Illinois Compiled Statutes 120/1 through 7 and any future amendments thereto.
J. Manufactured Homes And Mobile Homes Zoning District: Any manufactured home installed within the corporate limits must be installed in the M-H District and meet and comply with all zoning requirements per Title 11 Chapter 7 Article C of this code.
K. Inspection Requirements For Non-Compliant/Dangerous Mobile Home:
1. Under the authority given to the City under 210 Illinois Compiled Statutes 117, the city has the authority to inspect a property upon the notification or complaint from the occupant or any persons regarding the safety, appearance, or structural integrity of any rented or unrented mobile homes or manufactured homes in the city limits. All fees and charges by said person or company will be paid by the manufactured home or mobile home owner.
2. Any mobile home occupied as a dwelling or residence which shall be found to have any of the following defects, shall be proscribed as unfit for human habitation, or required to be brought up to standards of this chapter:
a. The structure is so damaged, decayed, dilapidated, unsanitary, unsafe or vermin-infested that it creates a serious hazard to the health or safety of the occupants or of the public;
b. The structure lacks ventilation or sanitation facilities adequate to protect the health or safety of the occupants or the public;
c. Any mobile home proscribed as unfit for human habitation shall be vacated within a reasonable time, not to exceed thirty (30) days, as ordered by the inspector or City Council;
d. No dwelling or dwelling unit which has been proscribed as unfit for human habitation shall again be used for human habitation until written approval is secured from the inspector or City Council;
e. Any owner of a mobile home declared unfit for human habitation shall be given written notice of same and shall have a period of ninety (90) days to bring said mobile home into compliance with minimum housing standards and, in the event they fail to do so, said mobile home shall be removed from the premises;
f. If said owner of said mobile home fails to bring said mobile home into compliance within the required period, or fails to remove said mobile home, the city shall have the right to go upon the property upon which said mobile home is situated and remove, or cause to be removed, said mobile home and the cost and expense of said removal shall be charged to the owner of said mobile home. Any cost and expense incurred by the city in the storing of said mobile home shall also be chargeable to, and the responsibility of, the owner of said mobile home. Any such expenses so incurred by the city and not paid by the owner within a period of thirty (30) days after being provided of such expenses, and upon filing of such notice in the county clerk's office, the city shall become a lien holder upon any real estate and/or mobile home owned by said mobile home owner.
L. Abandoned Mobile Homes: The City may remove and dispose of any abandoned mobile home found within the City limits and may legally enter upon any land to do so if the mobile home park owner or operator of the mobile home park where the abandoned mobile home is located has not initiated proceedings under the Abandoned Mobile Home Act, 210 Illinois Compiled Statutes 117/1 et seq., and any future amendments thereto.
M. Temporary Living Quarters: Motor homes, travel trailers, camping trailers (commonly referred to as "campers"), modified busses, semi-trailers, recreational vehicles (commonly referred to as "RV's), or any other type of structure designed for temporary living quarters may not be used within the corporate limits of the municipality for permanent habitation. All such structures may be used for temporary living for a period not to exceed fourteen (14) days in any twelve (12) month period. In the event of extenuating or emergency circumstances, a variance to this provision may requested to the Zoning Board of Appeals. The Zoning Board of Appeals shall meet and consider the variance at the earliest convenient date. Any recommendation of the Zoning Board of Appeals shall then be considered by the City Council at its next available regularly scheduled City Council meeting. (Ord. 3839, 10-10-2022)