   (A)   The Western Avenue Railroad Overpass Fund is created within the Engineering Department.
   (B)   The amounts paid from this Fund are to be used expressly for the Western Avenue Railroad Overpass - Project No. BRM-D890(1) and are to be paid as follows:
      (1)   State share:       80%;
      (2)   County share:       20%.
(Ord. 9-1989, passed 3-7-1989)
   (A)   The city creates the Cumulative Capital Improvement Fund.
   (B)   All distributions received from the Cumulative Capital Improvement Fund of the State Cigarette Tax Fund shall be deposited in the Cumulative Capital Improvement Fund.
   (C)   Disbursements from the Fund shall be made only for the construction or improvement of any city- owned property, including, but not limited to streets, thoroughfares and sewers. Disbursements may also be made to retire general obligation bonds of the city issued for the construction of improvements which would qualify for use of those funds.
   (D)   No disbursements shall be made from the Fund for the salaries of any employee or public officials except for expenses directly chargeable to the improvements listed in division (C) of this section.
(1985 Code, § 36-9-16-3) (Ord. 32-1965, passed 11-2-1965)
Statutory reference:
   Cumulative Capital Improvement Fund, see I.C. 36-9-16-3
   (A)   A special non-reverting fund is created in the city entitled the Donation Fund.
   (B)   The fund shall be administered by the Controller for the city, who shall receipt donations to the city into such fund. In the event that a specific purpose is established by the donor for any donation, or terms and conditions are placed upon the donation, the Controller shall see that the donation is only expended in accordance with such purpose or under such terms and conditions.
(Ord. 24-2004, passed 10-5-2004)
   There is hereby created for the city an Animal Control Fund. Such fund shall be nonreverting and shall be used for purposes of animal control and to administer the provisions of Chapter 96 of this Code of Ordinances.
(Ord. 42-2005, passed 5-16-2006)
   (A)   There is hereby established the City of Marion Rainy Day Fund.
   (B)   The Fund shall be funded by funds raised by general or special tax levy under I.C. 36-1-8-5 or by supplemental distributions made by the Indiana Department of Revenue from various county accounts under I.C. 36-1-8- 5.1(b)(2)(A).
   (C)   Pursuant to I.C. 36-1-8-5.1(c), no more than 10% of the city’s total budget may be reserved in the Rainy Day Fund in any given year.
   (D)   (1)   Funds accumulated in the City of Marion Rainy Day Fund will be used for:
      (2)   To stabilize the city’s budget during times of economic downturn and may be used for the operation of the city or any of it’s departments including but not limited to, salaries, wages, costs of services, supplies, equipment, capital improvements, maintenance or other similar expenditures.
(Ord. 41-2008, passed 12-16-2008)
   (A)   A non-reverting operating fund as described in I.C. 36-10-3-22 is defined as a fund where citizens pay a fee to participate in a certain program and the fees are used to pay for the program expenses. A non-reverting operating fund would be used for the following programs: softball, swimming lessons, water exercise classes, concessions, and such other programs that will be created in the future that are not major expenditures as defined in I.C. 36-10-3-22.
   (B)   All designated and approved parks and recreational programs and activities shall be maintained under non-reverting operating fund.
   (C)   The amounts paid from this fund are to be used expressly for expenses that are incurred from programs and activities sponsored by the Marion Parks and Recreation Department.
   (D)   Expenditures will be made from the non-reverting fund is appropriated by the Parks and Recreation Board in the following programs: softball, swimming lessons, water exercise classes and concessions.
   (E)   Money in form of admission fees procured from the Splash House or similar facilities require major expenditures for management and maintenance shall be deposited in the Park Non-Reverting Fund.
   (F)   Monies from non-reverting fund shall be disbursed only on approved claims allowed and signed by the Parks and Recreation Board members.
(Ord. 5-2009, passed 6-2-2009)
   (A)   Local income tax distributions. Provides for a supplemental distribution of local income taxes when the balance in the county's local income tax trust accounts exceeds 15% (rather than 50% under current law) of the certified distributions to be made to the County. Specifies the accounting, allocation method and distribution requirements for Supplemental distributions. Requires before May 2016, a one-time special allocation of the balance in the county's trust account as of December 31, 2014.
   (B)   Provides that a taxing unit's allocation amount is to be determined in the same manner as a supplemental distribution would have generally been determined under the former income taxes. Requires a special distribution of the allocation amount.
   (C)   Provides that at least 75% of the distribution made to a county, city, or town must be: (1) used exclusively for local road construction, maintenance, or repair, or capital projects for aviation, including capital projects of an airport authority; or (2) deposited in a rainy day fund and later used for those purposes.
   (D)   Provides that any remaining distribution to a county, city or town may be used for any lawful purposes of the county, city or town. Requires the allocation amount for other taxing units to be deposited in the taxing unit's Rainy Day Fund.
(Ord. 12-2016, passed 7-19-2016)