6.04.010: Abandoning Sick Or Diseased Animals
6.04.020: Dead Animals
6.04.030: Animals In Street
6.04.040: Poisoning Animals
6.04.050: Cruelty To Animals
6.04.060: Animals At Large
6.04.070: Herding On Streets
6.04.080: Damage By Trespassing Animals; Impounding
6.04.090: Appraisement Of Damages
6.04.100: Owner Of Trespassing Animal To Be Notified
6.04.110: When Damages Cannot Be Recovered
6.04.120: When Owner Unknown; Duty Of Poundkeeper
6.04.130: Trespassing Animals; Notice Of Sale
6.04.140: Owner May Claim Animals; Disputed Appraisals
6.04.150: Trespassing Animals; Sale
6.04.160: Redemption After Sale
6.04.170: Residue Of Proceeds
6.04.180: Record Of Trespassing Animals
6.04.190: Interference With Poundkeeper
6.04.200: Malicious Impounding
6.04.210: Unlawful Sales
6.04.220: Bills For Damages; Filing
6.04.230: Proceeds Of Sale
6.04.240: Advertising Bills
6.04.250: Unlawful Detention Of Animals
6.04.260: Payments To Treasurer
6.04.270: Service Of Stallions
6.04.280: Feeding Wild Animals
6.04.290: Slaughter Of Animals
It shall be unlawful for any person to abandon or turn out at large any sick, diseased or disabled animal, but such animal shall, when rendered worthless by reason of sickness or other disability, be by the owner thereof killed and disposed of as provided by this chapter for the disposition of dead animals within the city limits. It shall be the duty of the police officers to kill and dispose of any animals found running at large within the city limits which are worthless from sickness, disease, or other disability. (1986 Code)
6.04.020: DEAD ANIMALS:
It shall be unlawful for the owner of any animal or fowl that shall die or be killed within the limits of the city, to fail to remove or bury the carcass of such animal within ten (10) hours after its death; provided, that no horse, cow, ox, or other animal shall be buried within the closely inhabited portion of the city. (1986 Code)
It shall be unlawful for any person being the owner or having the charge of any horse, cow or other animal, to stake the same out or knowingly or intentionally turn the same loose upon the streets, alleys or public grounds of the city; and every person being the owner of, or having the charge of any such animals, who shall knowingly and intentionally allow the same to be at large and graze upon the streets, alleys or public grounds of the city is guilty of a misdemeanor. (1986 Code)
Every person who wilfully, unlawfully and maliciously administers any poison to any animal, the property of another, or maliciously exposes any poisonous substance with intent that the same shall be taken or swallowed by any such animal is guilty of a misdemeanor. (1986 Code)