The Planning & Zoning Commission may make a recommendation to the City Council for the establishment, repeal or amendment of any planning, zoning, and building ordinance or any other ordinance where City Council has conferred jurisdiction. City Council shall study each recommendation and place legislation that covers the recommendation on its agenda for a first reading within ninety (90) days of the Planning & Zoning Commission's action. Except by a three-quarters (3/4) vote of the full number of elected voting members of City Council specifically waiving the requirement, the proposed legislation shall be referred back to the Planning & Zoning Commission for its review. Final action shall be taken by City Council of the Planning Commission's recommendation by placing the legislation as reviewed and amended on the City Council's agenda for a third and final reading within sixty (60) days of the first reading.
   The effective date of this Charter Amendment upon passage shall be June 1, 2007.
(Amended November 7, 2006)