(a)   Purpose. The purpose of this district is to provide for and encourage the development of land at, and surrounding, Mansfield Lahm Airport, and to promote the development of appropriate land uses which would complement the airport and/or which could utilize the availability of airport services.
   (b)   Permitted Uses.
      (1)   Air passenger and freight terminal buildings.
      (2)   Air national defense installations.
      (3)   Air maintenance and repair installations when conducted wholly within a completely enclosed building.
      (4)   Air control and weather facilities.
      (5)   Hangar and aircraft parking facilities.
      (6)   Public parks, public recreational facilities and publicly-owned and operated buildings.
      (7)   Accessory uses as regulated by Chapter 1175.
      (8)   Automobile parking spaces and loading areas in conjunction with another permitted use, as regulated by Chapter 1179.
      (9)   Office buildings as permitted under Section 1167.04(b)(4).
   (c)   Conditionally Permitted Uses.
      (1)   Restaurants and private clubs subject to the review and approval of the Airport Commission.
      (2)   Motels and hotels subject to the review and approval of the Commission and subject to the following conditions:
         A.   Ingress and egress shall be provided so as not to conflict or adversely interfere with the traffic flow of interior or bordering roads serving the main uses or structures of the site.
         B.   Each unit shall contain at least 200 square feet of floor area.
      (3)   Any use with a principal function of basic research, design and pilot or experimental product development of aircraft or aircraft parts when conducted within a completely enclosed building. The proposed use shall further be subject to the review and approval of the Commission.
      (4)   Any use listed as a permitted use under the I-1 Limited Impact Industrial District subject to the review and approval of the Commission. This review and approval of the Commission is required only with respect to new structures, or to determine whether a potential user could adversely affect the usage or safety of the airport.
   (d)   Area, Height and Bulk Regulations.
      (1)   Maximum building height. The height regulations of the Airport District shall be regulated by the existing Mansfield Lahm Municipal Airport Zoning Resolution as adopted by the Richland County Commissioners.
      (2)   Minimum yard requirements.
         A.   Front yard: 50 feet
         B.   Side and rear yards. Shall be equal to or exceed the average height of the various heights of the building masses. All side and rear yards abutting a residential district shall be provided with an open space of at least 100 feet in width. An eight-foot high obscuring fence or bufferyard shall be provided along those side and rear lot lines abutting a residential district.
            (Ord. 86-260. Passed 12-16-86.)