(A)   (1)   Whenever any building, or structure, or part thereof, is being demolished, constructed, reconstructed, altered, or repaired in a hazardous manner; in substantial violation of any state or local building law, including the zoning provisions of this code; or in a manner that endangers life or property, the Building Inspector may order the specific part of the work that is in violation, or presents such a hazard, to be immediately stopped.
      (2)   The stop order shall be in writing, directed to the person doing the work, and shall state the specific work to be stopped, the specific reasons therefor, and the conditions under which the work may be resumed. Stop work orders may be appealed to the State Commissioner of Insurance, or the Town Board of Adjustment, as appropriate, in accordance with G.S. Chapter 160D.
   (B)   The Building Inspector may revoke, and require the return of, any permit by notifying the permit holder, in writing, stating the reason for such revocation. Permits shall be revoked for any substantial departure from the approved application, plans, or specifications; for refusal, or failure, to comply with proper orders of the inspector; for refusal, or failure, to comply with requirements of this article, or the State Building Code; or for false statements, or misrepresentations, made in securing such permit. Any permit mistakenly issued in violation of an applicable state or local law may also be revoked.
(Code 1976, § 8.24)
Statutory reference:
   Similar provisions, G.S. Chapter 160D.