§ 21-602  DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this article, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates, or requires, a different meaning.
   ACCESS CHARGES. A charge for connection to the town’s water distribution or sewer collection system, which charge equals the front footage construction charge which a party requesting service to the premises would be charged had a new line or main had to be installed to serve the subject property. Front footage in excess of 200 feet shall not be considered in determining the ACCESS CHARGES for each utility connection to a single-family residential structure on a single lot or parcel. The minimum access fee shall be based on 40 feet of front footage. ACCESS CHARGES shall be adjusted annually on July 1 so as to maintain a reasonable relationship between the charges and actual construction costs, and shall be based on cost estimates prepared by the Town Engineer, approved by the Town Manager, and placed into effect as provided herein.
   APPLICANT. Those receiving services, other than through involuntary annexation.
   ELIGIBLE REFUND. The portion of the project cost for reimbursement to the applicant, according to the provisions of this article.
   EXTENSION. Any water main or sewer line lengthening required to connect a water service to a large main, or sewer lateral to an outfall sewer or major trunk sewer.
   FEASIBLE PROJECT (EXISTING DEVELOPMENT). A water line or sewer main extension project within the corporate limits of the town for which a majority in number of the abutting property owners have signed a petition, which majority must own at least a majority of all lineal feet of frontage of the lands abutting either side of the proposed project, or a project outside the corporate limits of the town for which a deposit has been received in accordance with § 21-603(b).
   LARGE MAIN. Any water main larger than eight inches in diameter, serving an area, sized and located so that additional service connections beyond the limits of any associated development can be made without lowering the level of service.
   MAJOR TRUNK SEWER. A gravity sewer line extending directly from an outfall which is located and sized, so that additional gravity sewer lines can be connected thereto.
   OUTFALL. Any sewer line serving a drainage area, located and sized so that additional lateral connections beyond the limits of any associated development can be made without lowering the level of service.
   TOWN’S SERVICE AREA. All areas inside and outside the corporate limits of the town serviced by the town’s water or sewer system, and any future extensions thereof; however, areas serviced by water mains or sewer lines of other public bodies connected to, and serviced by, the town’s water or sewer system shall not be included in the TOWN’S SERVICE AREA.
(Ord. 5-89, passed 6-19-1989)