Division 1. Generally
21-401 Definitions
21-402 Control vested in Council
21-403 Duties of Town Manager
21-404 Visitors to substation prohibited
21-405 Tree trimming
21-406 to 21-410 Reserved
Division 2. Connections
21-411 Application for electricity
21-412 Installations according to State Building Code
21-413 Inspection and conditions of service
21-414 Service connections
21-415 Charges for connections
21-416 Location of town’s equipment
21-417 to 21-420 Reserved
Division 3. Billing
21-421 Selection of schedule
21-422 Deposits guaranteeing credit
21-423 Metering and billing
21-424 Submetering
21-425 Payments
21-426 Determination of excess facilities charges and other charges
21-427 New commercial or industrial loads after September 1, 2004
21-428 to 21-430 Reserved
Division 4. Voltage
21-431 Characteristics of electricity supplied
21-432 Voltage
21-433 to 21-440 Reserved
Division 5. Customer Concerns
21-441 Use of electricity by customers
21-442 Customer’s responsibility
21-443 Right of access
21-444 Discontinuance of the supply of electricity
21-445 Reconnection of the supply of electricity
21-446 Interruptions to supply of electricity
21-447 to 21-450 Reserved
Division 6. Testing
21-451 Testing facilities and equipment
21-452 Periodic tests and checks
21-453 Requested meter tests
21-454 to 21-460 Reserved
Division 7. Service Lines
21-461 Electric line extensions
21-462 Temporary service
21-463 Underground electric service
21-464 to 21-470 Reserved
Division 8. Joint Municipal Assistance Agency
21-471 Findings
21-472 Authority
21-473 Initial members
21-474 Transfer from ElectriCities
21-475 to 21-499 Reserved
Electrical code adopted, § 5-105; electrical permit required, § 5-201.
For the purpose of this division, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates, or requires, a different meaning.
APPLICANT. Any person, group of persons, association, partnership, firm, or corporation requesting a supply of electricity from the town.
CUSTOMER. Any person, group of persons, association, partnership, firm, or corporation purchasing electricity from the town.
DELIVERY POINT. The point where the town’s conductors for supplying electricity are connected to the customer’s conductors for receiving the electricity, unless otherwise specified in the agreement with the customer for the purchase of electricity.
(Code 1976, § 6-2A.1) (Ord. 6-83, passed 9-19-1983)
Definitions and rules of construction generally, § 1-102.
The electric power system owned by the town shall be under the ultimate control of the Town Council. The duty of securing and enforcing full compliance with all rules, and regulations, governing the same is delegated to the Town Manager, subject to the supervision of the Town Council. The Town Manager may further delegate responsibility for the same to the Director of Public Works, or such other person as may be appropriate. If responsibility has been delegated to a person other than the Town Manager, all references in this article to the Town Manager shall also include his or her delegate.
(Code 1976, § 6-2A.11) (Ord. 6-83, passed 9-19-1983)
(A) The Town Manager shall see that the rules, and regulations, adopted or authorized by the Town Council are enforced, and that all contracts and specifications are fulfilled. The Town Manager shall have general supervision of all the operation of the electric power system, and shall report its working conditions to the Mayor and Town Council as required, and make such suggestions and plans for improvement and extension, as may be advantageous to the system. He or she shall see that all employees perform their duties according to the regulations of the Council.
(B) The Town Manager shall have full and entire charge of the substation, and all transmission stations, lines, machinery, and equipment, and shall report the condition of the same to the Town Council, as required.
(Code 1976, § 6-2A.12) (Ord. 6-83, passed 9-19-1983)
Town Manager, § 2-403.
No visitors shall be permitted to enter the substation without being accompanied by the engineer in charge, and under no circumstances shall anyone not specifically authorized by the Town Manager be allowed to handle, or in any way come in contact with, any part of the machinery.
(Code 1976, § 6-2A.13) (Ord. 6-83, passed 9-19-1983)