§ 21-284  RIGHT OF ENTRY.
   (A)   Representatives of the town shall have the right to enter any property having a private water system which is served, in any manner, by the town’s water system. Such entry shall be made at reasonable times, and for the purposes of inspecting, and observing, the private water system, determining the degree of hazard, testing and sampling of the water from such system, and any other duty which may be imposed on the town by this division.
   (B)   If a customer does not permit an authorized representative of the town to undertake, and complete, any inspection, observation, test, sample, or other duty of the representative concerning the customer’s private water system, service to the private water system from the town’s water system may be terminated.
   (C)   At the request of the town, a customer shall provide information that is reasonably necessary to determine the degree of hazard of the customer’s private water system, all connections of the private water system to the town’s water system, and any other information reasonably necessary to enforce the provisions of this division.
(Ord. 13-2004, passed 6-7-2004)