(A) Names of existing streets may be changed by the Town Council upon its own initiative, or upon receipt of a valid petition signed by at least 51% of the owners of property abutting the street right-of-way at issue. To be valid, a petition to change a street name shall be accompanied by a fee (see fee schedule), and shall contain a commitment from one, or more, property owners to pay the fee estimated by the town at the time the petition is submitted for each sign which would have to be changed if the street name is altered.
(B) Upon receipt of a valid petition, the Planning Board, which shall give notice to the owners of property abutting the affected street of the request for change, and of a public hearing which the Planning Board shall conduct on the issue. Based upon the comments and information received at the public hearing, and other relevant factors, the Planning Board shall make a report and recommendation upon the matter to the Town Council.
(C) After receipt of the Planning Board’s report and recommendation, the Town Council shall conduct a public hearing upon the proposal prior to making any determination as to whether to approve, or deny, a change in the street name. The final decision to approve, or deny, a request shall be in the discretion of the Council.
(Ord. 9-84, passed 10-8-1984)