The following signs shall be exempt from regulation under this chapter:
(A) Public service signs.
(B) Holiday lights, decorations and displays.
(C) Signs not visible from the public right-of-way.
(D) Signs within a public or private ballpark that face the playing field.
(E) Signs incorporated into machinery or equipment by a manufacturer or distributor, which identify or advertise only the product or service dispensed by the machine or equipment, such as signs customarily affixed to vending machines, newspaper racks, telephone booths and gasoline pumps.
(F) Identification signs such as address and building markers.
(G) Community identification signs and community beautification project signs.
(H) Personal messages such as announcements of births, anniversaries and birthdays.
(Ord. 99-06, passed 6-7-99)
The following signs shall be prohibited in all zoning districts:
(A) Non-permitted advertising benches.
(B) Flashing or blinking signs.
(C) Portable signs, tethered balloons, inflatable signs or similar signs or devices except as permitted in § 158.15 (F) and (G).
(D) Any sign affixed to a tree, utility pole, fence, stone or light pole on public property except as permitted in § 158.10 (C)(G).
(E) Any sign which emits any noise, odor or visible matter for the purpose of attracting attention to the sign.
(F) Abandoned signs.
(G) Signs displaying copy that is harmful to minors.
(Ord. 99-06, passed 6-7-99) Penalty, see § 158.99
The following signs shall not require a permit; however, such signs are subject to applicable restrictions contained within this chapter:
(A) Pennants, streamers, and flags, located in either a commercial or industrial district.
(B) Changing out sign faces or the changing of copy of a billboard, attraction board, or marquee providing no structural alterations are to be performed.
(C) A single home occupation may have a wall sign not exceeding three (3) square feet in area.
(D) Temporary signs in accordance with § 158.15.
(E) Incidental signs not to exceed four (4) square feet in area.
(F) Private sale signs; however, such signs must be removed within one (1) day after the sale.
(G) Signs containing information regarding public services or public events are allowed provided no message referring to any specific business or commercial activity is included.
(H) Restaurant menu boards not exceeding forty (40) square feet and eight (8) feet in height.
(Ord. 99-06, passed 6-7-99)
Temporary signs shall be non-illuminated and shall be erected or displayed for a limited period of time. Maximum surface area of temporary wall signs, including but not limited to banners and window signs, shall be counted as part of the percentage allowable for wall signs and shall not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the building face of the wall to which it is attached. Temporary signs are portable, that is movable from one location to another, and are not permanently attached to the ground or any immobile structure. The following temporary signs shall not require a permit but are subject to applicable restrictions contained within this chapter:
(A) Banners: Banners shall be allowed in commercial and industrial districts only when attached at all four corners to the principal building provided they do not exceed fifty (50) square feet in area. Maximum of two banners per wall.
(B) For Sale/Rent: Signs indicating the sale or rental of the premises on which the sign is located, provided all signs shall be removed no later than seven (7) days after the sale or lease is closed.
(C) Auction: Signs advertising auctions of real and personal property, provided all signs shall be removed on the day the auction is held.
(D) Campaign: Campaign signs shall be permitted in all districts and are
subject to the following additional regulations:
(1) Campaign signs shall not be posted on any public property.
(2) No person shall post or attempt to post a campaign sign on private property without the express consent of the owner or occupant of such property.
(3) All campaign signs shall be removed within ten (10) days following the election to which it applies; the owner of the property on which the sign is placed is responsible for its removal.
(E) Construction: Construction signs, non-illuminated, to be removed upon completion of the project.
(F) Not For Profit Events: Signs announcing or relating to a drive or event of a civic, philanthropic, educational, or religious organization are allowed. These signs shall be removed within forty-eight (48) hours of the conclusion of the event to which they relate.
(G) Special Event Displays (Commercial): Special event displays are allowed for businesses within a commercial or industrial district or for permitted businesses in a residential district. Temporary signs such as portable signs, tethered balloons, inflatable signs or similar signs or devices may be erected on the premises of an establishment having a grand opening or special event, provided that such sign shall be displayed no more than sixty (60) days during one (1) calendar year. Prior to its display, such signs must be registered with the Administrator, via letter or fax, stating the beginning and ending date for display.
(Ord. 99-06, passed 6-7-99) Penalty, see § 158.99
For the purpose of this section, a non-conforming sign shall be defined as a sign existing at the effective date of this chapter or on a later date when the property is annexed to the city, and which was constructed in accordance with chapters and other applicable laws in effect on the date of its construction, but which is not in conformance with the requirements of this chapter.
(A) All non-conforming signs made of paper, cloth or other non-durable material are to be removed or made to conform to this chapter within thirty (30) days of the adoption of this chapter.
(B) All temporary signs other than those permitted herein are to be removed or made to conform to this chapter within six (6) months of the adoption of this chapter.
(C) Should a non-conforming sign be moved for any reason, it shall thereafter conform to this chapter and the regulations for the district in which it is located after it is moved.
(D) Nothing in this section shall prevent the ordinary maintenance or repair of a non- conforming sign or replacement of a broken part of a non-conforming sign. Replacement of broken parts of a non-conforming sign is permitted so long as it does not change the dimensions, location or size.
(E) Whenever a non-conforming sign is damaged by wind, fire or other casualty, the sign may be repaired, restored or replaced to the same size, height and location as existed prior to the damage or destruction. The sign may not be modified in any way which would make it more non-conforming.
(F) Upon failure to comply with the above within the time specified, the Administrator may cause removal and disposal of any non-conforming sign. Any expense incident thereto, including reasonable attorney fees, shall be paid by the owner, agent or lessee of the sign or of the property upon which the sign is located.
(Ord. 99-06, passed 6-7-99) Penalty, see § 158.99
A sign may be erected in the city only after obtaining a sign permit from the Administrator except where specifically exempted by this chapter.
(Ord. 99-06, passed 6-7-99) Penalty, see § 158.99
(A) Sign lighting may not cause confusion with traffic lights, be misconstrued as a traffic signal or otherwise create a hazardous condition.
(B) Except where expressly prohibited, illumination of signs is permissible so long as the light emitted does not shine onto an adjoining property in a way as to create a nuisance or into the eyes of motorists or pedestrians using or entering public streets or ways.
(Ord. 99-06, passed 6-7-99) Penalty, see § 158.99