(a) Purpose. This District is established to provide for a major shopping area permitting outdoor storage, a well located and designed office building site to accommodate professional offices, sales offices, nonprofit organizations and a variety of retail businesses on major streets away from residences. This District includes activities which because of their nature, tend to have large volume of traffic and large parking requirements as well as attracting business from a large surrounding area.
(b) Permitted Uses.
(1) Uses permitted in the B-2 Community Shopping District;
(2) Automobile sales, new and used cars;
(3) Car wash;
(4) Club, lodge and fraternal organizations;
(5) Communication facilities;
(6) Drive-in banks;
(7) Motion picture theaters, bowling alleys, but excluding drive-in theaters;
(8) Post offices, police and fire stations, schools, service garages, hospitals;
(9) Professional, medical and administrative offices;
(10) Drive-in eating establishments;
(11) Public utility buildings and structures and equipment;
(12) Buildings or structures for growing agricultural products on the premises and for the selling of such products so grown on the premises; and
(13) Funeral homes.
(c) Conditionally Permitted Uses. The Planning Commission may issue conditional zoning certificates for uses listed herein subject to procedures of Section 1137.04, the review criteria of Section 1137.05(d), applicable supplementary regulations in Chapter 1171 and architectural design standards of Chapter 1172.
(1) Passenger transportation agency and terminal;
(2) Public garages, automobile repair shops, gasoline service stations;
(3) Public utility rights of way and appurtenant structures;
(4) Recreational facilities;
(5) Hotels and motels; and
(6) Outdoor displays and outdoor storage, subject to the standards and criteria of Section 1167.07. (Ord. 65-1999. Passed 10-14-99.)
(7) Senior Citizen Residential Facilities, subject to the criterial and standards of Section 1167.07. (Ord. 112-1999. Passed 11-30-99.)
(d) Accessory Uses.
(1) Off-street parking spaces, entrances and exits as regulated in Section 1167.06;
(2) Signs as regulated in Section 1171.10;
(3) Any accessory use which is incident to a permitted main use shall be permitted provided it is planned and developed integrally with the main building, and with adjacent buildings and that it has no injurious effects on adjoining districts.
(Ord. 30-1982. Passed 6-10-82.)
(e) Setback Lines. The setback line for any building or structure erected shall be a minimum of 100 feet from any public right of way existing as of January 1, 1985 and shall be a minimum of fifty feet from any new public right of way established after January 1, 1985.
(f) Side and Rear Yards.
(1) Every building or structure intended for business use shall have a rear and side yard, each of which shall have a width of at least twenty-five feet from the rear and side lot lines except when adjacent to an R district the width shall be ninety feet from the lot line adjacent to the R district; provided that the building and site arrangement complies with the requirements of Section 1171.11(e).
(2) When two or more parcels of land which have different owners are proposed to be developed jointly, any common side and rear-yard setback may be reduced when a development plan for all parcels in the Joint Development is approved by the Planning Commission as a Conditional Use in accordance with the procedures of Section 1137.04. A zero setback may be considered in which case two or more buildings on separate parcels, either built simultaneously or at different times, would abut each other. In establishing the reduced setback, the Planning Commission shall consider the impact of any reduction on the arrangement of the buildings, parking, site access and circulation, landscaping, property maintenance, and the overall quality and marketability of the proposed development. To consider a parcel of land in a Joint Development, the Planning Commission must have written authorization from each property owner stating that the development proposal on each parcel may be considered as part of the Joint Development.
(Ord. 27-1985. Passed 6-27-85.)
(g) Height of Building. No building shall be erected in the B-3 General Business District to a height in excess of seven stories or in excess of ninety feet measured from the natural grade at the building line to the highest point on the roof so long as such height does not substantially interfere with immediately adjacent parcels, otherwise, no building shall be erected in the B-3 General Business District to a height in excess of six stories or in excess of eighty feet measured from the natural grade at the building line to the highest point on the roof, excluding gables of no more than 10 feet in height, except that these provisions shall not apply to the height of a clock tower, wireless tower, chimney, stage tower, scenery loft, or other mechanical appurtenances part of such building. The above such projections shall not exceed ten feet above roof peak. All such projections in excess of ten feet must be approved by the Planning Commission. (Ord. 68-2017. Passed 9-14-17.)
(h) Storm Drainage. Drainage shall discharge into a common closed conduit which is to be located in the right of way of streets, alleys or easements. In no case shall the Planning Commission approve a storm drainage system which involves swales, roadside ditches, etc. as a means of conveying surface drainage from the sites.
(i) Planning Commission Review Procedures. All construction for permitted or conditional uses in the B-3 District whether new construction, expansion of existing building or renovations to site conditions or characteristics shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Commission pursuant to Section 1137.05.
(Ord. 30-1982. Passed 6-10-82.)
(j) Minimum Lot Size. The minimum lot area shall be 30,000 square feet, and each lot shall be a minimum of 150 feet in width when measured at the setback line.
(Ord. 27-1985. Passed 6-27-85.)