6.01.01: General Provisions
6.01.02: Nuisances Enumerated
6.01.03: Determination Of Public Nuisance
6.01.04: Judicial Proceedings Not A Bar To Abatement
6.01.05: Notice Required
6.01.06: Contents Of Notice
6.01.07: Abatement By Owner Or Occupant Or By Board Action
6.01.08: Proceedings For Removal And Abatement
6.01.09: Abatement By Designated Officers
6.01.10: Collection Suit And Criminal Prosecution Not Precluded
6.01.11: Penalty
Each and all of the several acts and things prohibited and made unlawful by this chapter are hereby deemed and declared to be nuisances within Lyon County. (Ord. 511, 7-5-2007)
Unsafe and unsanitary structures, accumulation, maintenance and existence of refuse are declared to be public nuisances.
   A.   Any building or structure which is unfit for use or habitation, or which is unsafe or unsanitary, or a fire menace, or a danger to life or health, is hereby declared to be a public nuisance.
   B.   Any person who shall maintain or use, or who shall permit to remain upon any premises owned or occupied by him in the county, any building or structure which is unfit for use or habitation, or which is unsafe, or unsanitary, or a fire menace, or a danger to life or health, shall be deemed guilty of maintaining a nuisance.
   C.   The accumulation, maintenance, and existence of, including, but not limited to: weeds; grasses; brush; leaves; thistles; debris; refuse; rubbish; glass or metal containers; trash; filth; garbage, whether animal or vegetable; offal; rags; cesspools; scrapped or abandoned materials of all kinds, including bricks, cement, concrete, glass, plaster, wood and wood shavings, rubber, paper or wire; dismantled, abandoned or temporarily inoperative motors, machinery, equipment, automobiles, vehicles, trailers and the parts, materials or cast off articles therefrom upon any yard, lot, parcel or premises within view of any place of residence including, but not limited to, any neighboring residence, public road, street or thoroughfare and exposed to open view from such residence, public road, street, alley or thoroughfare is unlawful and hereby declared to be a public nuisance.
   D.   Any violation of chapter 487.290 of the Nevada Revised Statutes is declared to be a public nuisance.
   E.   Any land use violation as defined in title 10 of this code is declared to be a public nuisance. (Ord. 511, 7-5-2007)